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Let us analyze the scrap market after penalties were introduced in the game

The scrap token that is the in-game currency for one of the games on Hive blockchain, Terracore. I have been doing some experiment with this token in the past about which i have also shared in my blogs so many times. If you would have followed the experiment, you might be in profit for sure.

Recently a feature was introduced in the game that will make people burn their scraps more often. I am talking about penalties and in this blog we will see that if these penalties have helped the game token or not. For that let us look at the chart of scrap token that is being taken from tribaldex.

We see some hikes recently from the chart above. From 10th of november the token started to take some surge, and this means penalties have actually worked for the game. I think this will be a small term benefit as later people will just make sure to keep some amount to upgrade their stats.

Let me share you the highest in last one month for this token observed on 12th november.

The 0.0002699 is the mark i think was not seen more almost a month or even more than that. The reason why prices of these tokens still fail to hold is because of the buy to sell demand ( in terracore sellers are more compared to buyers ). Considering this fact i will appreciate the token for maintaining it's price above 0.0017 mark.

The early adopters are for sure making a good amount that will pay them in long term. Anyways, so to finish writing this blog i must say that this penalty has really helped the project.

