Sleeping When I’m Supposed To.

If you’re looking for a workaholic, you don’t need to run around looking for someone. I’m here so you can just pick me. I work everyday of my life including Sundays. The only difference is that I don’t go to my offline workplace on Sundays.
Due to all of these, I hardly rest. I don’t really get to rest. It’s either I’m typing, making research, singing which can be very draining especially for people like me who are taking it seriously or like a class, I may also be selling goods to my customers, go to the market to buy goods for my shop or even do some home chores. With all of these that I have listed, do you think I have a free time that is really much?


At the same time, I’m not an engine or a machine. I get to rest and the only time I rest is at night. I wake up as early as 4:00 am in the morning and sleep by 11:00 pm at night. I make sure to check all the sites I work on before I sleep.
What do they do at night? Isn’t it a sleeping time? So, that’s what I do during my free time.


As I mentioned earlier, I have a very little free time so the best thing I always do is sleep. If I’m not working, I’m sleeping. I know a lot of people know that so many people press their phones when they are free so that they can see what’s happening around them which is a normal thing that I also do but sleeping I one thing I take very seriously and it is very important to me.
I press my phone almost every minute and we all know it isn’t good for our eyes. So instead of me to play games, check the social media on my phone, I always make sure that I sleep.
Also, I wake up very early and sleep very late. It’s enough for me to just sleep during my free time. Being awake for over fifteen hours is a lot trying to do one thing or the other, such a person needs rest and peace.

Also, I always make sure that nothing comes in between me and my sleep. When it is time to sleep, you can’t ever see me do something else because if it is past my sleeping time, it is possible I get occupied with something else and I may not get to sleep the next day again. As a result of that, my energy will be drained and I may not be productive for the next day.


Sleep is good and healthy for us. That’s what do when I’m free and I hope you try to have a good sleep too.
Sleep well

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