What I do for a living: Teaching

I find myself in a fulfilling career that allows me to contribute not only to my family's needs but also to the community around me. I am proud to be a teacher. The world of education is one I hold dearly, it is a realm filled with opportunity, growth, and the ability to shape young minds for a brighter future.


I have been fortunate enough to secure a permanent teaching position under a state government in Nigeria. This stability is a blessing, particularly in a country where job security can often feel like a daunting challenge. The joy it brings me goes beyond the four walls of a classroom. It is a sustainable career, allowing me to plan for the future while fostering a nurturing environment for my students. Every day, when I walk into school, I carry with me the belief that I am helping to build the foundation of knowledge that my students will carry throughout their lives.

What's even more rewarding is that I am not alone in this journey. My wife, who shares the same passion for education, also works as a teacher under the same parastatal. Together, we make a formidable team, both at home and in our professional lives. It is a partnership grounded in love and mutual respect, one that nurtures both our aspirations.

Through this collaborative spirit, our lives intertwine in beautiful ways. We are each other’s sounding board, helping to navigate the challenges that come with our roles. On days when the pressures of the job feel overwhelming, knowing that I have someone who understands my experiences, frustrations, and triumphs makes all the difference. Together, we inspire one another, reminding each other of our purpose and the vital impact we have on the lives of our students.

Financially, our dual incomes bring stability and security to our family. In today’s world, it is increasingly common for families to rely on two earners, and we are no exception. My wife’s contribution to our household finances is invaluable; it allows us to cover our basic needs and also indulge in the little luxuries that make life enjoyable. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or simply dining out at our favorite restaurant, these moments enrich our lives and strengthen our relationship.

Asides, all the tremendous blessing that comes with the job, it gives room and time for other side hustles, after school hours.

My profession as a teacher is a permanent and rewarding career that allows me to make a positive impact on society. With the support of my wife, who shares my passion for teaching, we are able to provide a comfortable life for our family while pursuing our dreams. We are grateful for the opportunity to work in a field we love and look forward to continuing our journey together.

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