Traditional food; My Favorite Food

Hello everyone
Welcome to my blog

My favorite food is Ekpang Nkukwo (coco yam porridge) It is a traditional food in Akwa Ibom State, which is in the southern region of Nigeria. I can eat this delicious delicacy from Sunday to Sunday without being tired of it. Although it's always so stressful and time consuming, it happens to be my favorite.


From Childhood this has been my favorite delicacy, one might think but children love rice and stew, so why traditional food, i choose traditional food because it's taste is always so delicious and exceptional. Although rice and stew with fried plantain happens to be my second option, i could recall whenever my mum was preparing Ekpang Nkukwo (coco yam porridge) the excitement would be so alarming that anyone who is close to the family would easily predict the reason for the excitement.

I love food because it is essential for being strong and active. Though I love cooking as well, although preparing this delicacy is always time consuming, so mostly i choose to prepare it during weekends, not minding the stress, take my time and consume it to my satisfaction.

Although different people have different methods of preparing in preparing Ekpang Nkukwo (cocoyam porridge) we need;

Water yam
Coco yam
Periwinkles (shell and unshell)
Meat, stockfish, cowskin, fish
Seasoning cubes, salt
Fresh pepper
Palm oil


We begin by removing the water yam and coco yam peel, (removing the skin) wash thoroughly with water, grate it using your grater. When through with that add some seasoning cubes and salt(optional) but i always add it to bring out the teast, mix them thoroughly. Greese your pot with palm oil, and add your washed periwinkle, this is done si as to prevent ir from being burnt. Get your washed vegetables that have been cut into medium sizes to wrap the well mixed cocoyam.

After the wrapping process, pour boiled water into the pot, add your seasoned and cooked meat, stockfish, cowskin, and fish, remaining periwinkles, salt and seasoning cubes. Cover the pot, allow it to cook for some minutes, open add your blended pepper, and crayfish, stir it to mix, add your sliced vegetables and stir it once more, cover it to cook after a few minutes add your onions, remaining crayfish and oil, stir it again, cover it for few second, open and stir again. Your delicious Ekpang Nkukwo (cocoyam porridge) is ready. Serve it while being hot.

I don't allow the process to distract me , knowing that the end is always enjoyable and worth it. This is my favorite food.

This is my response for the contest on @indiaunited which is titled "My Favorite Food".

Thank you for reading to the end ♥️

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