Act Of Kindness A Language That Is Understood By All

Hello everyone,
I am so delighted to participate in this week's contest, though this happens to be my first entry in the @indiaunited contest. I'm super grateful for this privilege, I'm sharing this because I'm a beneficiary of someone's kindness, and it cannot be exhausted, but I'm going to share this one.

It happens back when I was in my secondary school, 5 of us were picked out to represent our school, so in the process before the commencement of the competition we were interviewed or should I called it screening, so when it was my time to be interviewed, a man walked in so I was scared.
So they proceeded to ask me the necessary questions, so I responded. The fact remained that Unknowingly to me the man that walked in was the one that sponsored the quiz competition, and price was the winner will be awarded with a scholarship. To my amusement, after that interview the man said let her be given the scholarship, I was shocked and tears of joy was flowing down my cheeks, it was there that i realized that he was the one that sponsored it. That is why I said I'm a product of someone's kindness.

Kindness is a virtue, and it is said to be love in action. I shouldn't necessarily know someone before I can be kind to them. The act of kindness might seem difficult to practice because it requires selflessness. Also kindness has a voice that speaks louder without muttering any word. I would say that kindness is a language that everyone understands both the abled and the disabled, So the slightest opportunity i get, I try to express my love by being kind to others no matter how little it may be, because I have benefited from another person's kindness, so I try to reciprocate it in my little way to others.

Kindness is best expressed with the act of giving. There is this slogan I love so much that says "Givers never lack" and that happens to be true. Giving is very difficult especially when we are aware that we won't get anything in return, or looking at our financial standpoint we are not buoyant enough to help others. Which I believe is not an excuse, I strongly believe that the act of kindness starts with sharing the little that we have, because if we are waiting till we have enough we will never give.

Although when it comes to giving there will be this strong war that will rage in my heart to prevent me from giving, but it's in my place to either allow it or suppress it and do what i want to do, most times when i yield to the voice and refuse to give even when i have it though small, i will have to fight another war of guilt and lack of peace in my heart, but if i obey the voice it will bring this excitement,satisfaction and fulfilment inwardly.

So as much as I don't joke with my peace of mind, I strive to show kindness to as many that demand for it even when I don't have enough. I don't do that with the mindset of getting something in return but I do it nobody knows tomorrow.

Thank you for reading my post.
I am @pricelessudy

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