Saving fund for emergency

Hello everyone, Good evening and welcome to my blog.

Starting from my own experience, I have just come cross a situation like this in Three weeks ago which I never budget for and never wishe I will have a chance and the was no budget for emergency at the moment. It was somehow a shock to me because I never had budget of getting a new phone any time soon but when this incident happened and by phone got spoiled and beyond repair I was short of words and at that point it came to my knowledge that emergency fund is very necessary and everyone must be making plans towards it.


I have come to understand that I our expectations and budget are much that we can be saving money for the situation we have not with our eyes do the money may be used for the available problem and when it time for emergency it seems difficult to raise for the situation. I know this is hard to do but the is always a needs to save for emergency it is important.

The emergency fund should not be much but as least the should be fund during emergency time, as I was a victim of emergency I have acknowledge the fact the is always a needs to save for emergency at any time we face with a situation that seems like emergency.

The should be little money that was saved for the sake of emergency and how will this happen by keeping some
Money out of our savings just for the purpose of emergency, I understand that fund for emergency is very necessary taking from my experience how I spent three weeks without phone because I was not able to raise money immediately after the incident.

Coming to hive today after a long period of time not being part of the Blockchain I noticed this topic and decided to share my experience that I have face with the situation that called for emergency being part of the weekly prompt have enlightened my knowledge understand
that the is a needs to save for emergency.

Thank for stopping by.

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