Things I do during my free period.

Hello beautiful people in @indiaunited,I feel so glad to take part in this contest .
Here is the link friends.

In today's world where everyone one is busy and we hardly have time for ourself,for me,having a free time has been quite challenging,but I try as much as possible to create time for myself,and when I do,i use them to my advantage.
There are few things i do during my free time ,the first one is



Resting has been my top priority during my free time,as a mother of three kids without help, it hasn't been easy,i usually feel so exhausted from house chores and work, both mentally and physically drain and the best thing that works for me during my free time is to rest,so that my body can recover from all the stress i had accumulated during work .
resting is what am so concious of because it's helps me a lot as a mother
Free time to mothers are expensive and I don't take it for granted,sometimes it's all I ever need.
since I can't rest during working hours,
I consciously make use of my free time
when resting, i may decide to take a nap for some minutes or probably i just lie down or sit down to meditate and to do deep breathing.
it boost my creativity and it helps my mental health .

The next thing i do during my free time is to watch movies:


I am a lover of nice movies, when am not so tired to rest during my free time, i choose movies, watching movies helps my mind to be shifted from work to pleasure and it improves my mood,
if it's a funny movie,I laugh out my stress as it increases the level of my happiness.

The last thing i do during my free time is to chat with friends, making long calls and reaching out to family members .

and most especially my elder sister
I used social media platforms to my advantage I reach out to people there
I love communicating with my elder sister alot.
she's my best friend and we always have a lot to talk about.
Over the years we haven't have enough time to complete our gist,time goes too fast when we talk,chat and video calls ourselves.
infact she's one person I call when boredom sets in.
Free time is always so important to me,
If i can manage it well,it becomes the best moments i could possibly asked for.

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