Why I love being part of this community

Hello, beautiful people! Welcome to my blog. It's a pleasure to have you in this space. Once again, welcome 🤗

What an interesting topic for this week. I have been pondering the question on What is your favorite community on Hive and why? And this is one of the reasons I am submitting my entry late.

Exploring hives has been a wonderful experience. I have been to different communities here; they all have their own unique way of doing things, and I must say that it is hard for me to say I have a favorite community because different communities have captured my heart and impacted me.

image by @doze

Take, for instance, when I joined Hive, everything seemed confusing, and I had no idea what to write or where to start from; it was the freewriters community that made it easy for me with its @daily.prompt. The different topics for each day improved not only my writing skills but also my imaginative aspect, as I had to think of a good storyline to write on every day.

But for the sake of this contest, I would go with the @ladiesofhive community. I love this community because of how much they celebrate women, their voices, stories, and achievements.

Ladies of hives have the spirit of true sisterhood. Different posts in the community have a way of uplifting, encouraging, and celebrating the women's success and, in their own way, creating a safe place for women to voice out their thoughts and emotions.

In this community, I have read posts on people's stories, experiences, and expertise that have changed my mindset about something.

I have seen different women online groups where women abuse and attack each other, but it's different here. The ladies of the hive community have become a shining beacon of hope and connections for women.

I also love the diversity in the community. To me, I think it's its strength because it allows women from different cultures and backgrounds to come together and share their unique insight and experiences, and to me, this broadens a lot of people's horizons.


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