The best form of happiness comes when there is a free time from work.

The nature of most jobs comes with time deprivation. Some persons do not usually have time for themselves, not to talk of other things.

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The nature of my work has made me one of such person, as I am always on the go. Sometimes, I hardly get enough time to make food for my self, which results in me, always patronizing restaurants.

The best time of my life is usually when I am off duty. During this time, I make sure that I enjoy every single minute of my time to the fullest.

The first thing I do is to get enough sleep. This will help reset my brain and make me more energized and calm.

After getting some sleep, I begin to arrange my room. I do some laundry, do the dishes, then make some food.

This is because, when I come back from work, I am always stressed out. Sometimes, I go to bed without eating a thing. Due to this, I hardly have enough time to arrange my room properly or even wash my cloths. I use to give important clothes to dry cleaners during my work days, while I wash the remaining during my off days.

After making sure that my room is good, and my laundry is done, I always go out to explore the city I live in. I love walking around and seeing new things.

Sometimes, I will come by something in my city and be amazed at this sight because that is the first time I saw it. A city I have lived in for almost a year and six months now.

Sometimes, I go to my friends house to chill and play video games together. We spend lots of time paying video games and enjoying some drinks.

Sometimes, we go for swimming with the friends, while sometimes I take him along to explore the city together. He knows literally everywhere in this place, so he is a very good guide.

One thing I will love to recommend to others, is that, they should spend more time with their friends, when they themselves are free. It brings a sense of happiness and makes you understand that you're never alone.

Another thing is to get enough sleep. Your body really needs it. The first thing you should do, when you have a free time, is to sleep. Sleep well. Untill you are very satisfied.

This is my entry for the India United prompt.

Thank you for reading.

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