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Hive is like a community where you meet different type of people. Most people are friendly and very much accommodating while few are not.

Joining hive was really a good thing for me but my journey through hive is one of the toughest things I have ever done.

Each and every hiver has a goal that they have set for themselves.

They chase this goals irrespective of anything. Most of the goals I have seen people set is basically about their HP. No cap, elevating your HP is good, but some persons have not actually thought of adding value to the community through other means, blogging exclusive.

I was once like this yaknow. Always thriving to build my HP which has been going on a slow pace. After a while, I came to realize that I am not in hive for anything but the zeal I have for the community, thus, I began to think of a way to add to he growth of the platform.

It is really hard at this point for me because I am always busy with my career as a nurse but nevertheless, I still go out of my way to ensure that I add value to the platform.

My mindset changed drastically and I began to understand the importance of adding value to the community.

I have some goals drafted out to ensure that I add value to the hive platform. The first goal is to be a hive witness (block producer). Yes I am a medical practitioner and I have no knowledge of programming. Welp, like I said earlier, I am ready to stress myself to ensure that I add value to the hive platform. Based on this, I have been making some research while reading some books on programming in other to gain some insights on HTML, CSS, Java as well as Python.

I am trying my best to bag all these knowledge and be a better hiver..

The next goal I have is to go for offline outreach with t-shirts and polo that has the hive logo on it. I plan to Visit many places that needs help and help them while giving the glory to hive. This will help boost the influence of hive over many people in Africa and aso, it will bring more people to the hive Blockchain.

I plan to start this as soon as possible and get plenty people to join the community. I also plan to teach them things about hive. I have started this but in a very small way for now. I have onboarded a handful of people, and I plan to onboard lots more with time.

Just as everyone, I also have a goal of increasing my HP to get more influence in the platform. Though this is not my primary goal. I just want to do good to as many people as possible while onboarding new members to the community so as to increase its influence.

This is my response to the India United prompt - hive goals

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Thank you

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