Unlike other countries that have different seasons - summer, winter and the likes, my country has only two seasons. I'm from a country located in the western part of Africa. If you said Nigeria, then you guessed right.

The two seasons we have over here is the rainy season (people cal it raining season) and the dry season. Under the dry season, there is the Harmattan.

Just as the name implies, rainy season is a season for rain.

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Coincidentally, as of the time I made this post, rain is falling heavily over here. During the rainy season, life sprouts from plants, every where is green, the air is humidified and the cold breeze is very relaxing. The only side effects is that it may stop you from attending a very important function.

Dry season on the other hand is a time when there is no rain. During this time, the air loses humidity. Sometimes, Vaseline is needed on the nostrils to avoid injury that arises from inhaling dry air. Every thing is dried up. Plants rarely survive. Even with adequate watering, their leaves are still dry. Heat becomes the order of the day. You may bath 10 times a day and still feel hot. You may be bathing as sweating at the same time. Its really crazy. The people at advantage here are those that have AC and fans. The positive thing about this is that you can attend a function at any time without fearing for rain.

The harmattan is recognized by cold breeze. Very cold breeze that blows strongly. Though not that strong. What is worst is that he breeze is dry. Imagine yourself breathing a cold dry breeze. Most times, this breeze blows in the night and early morning.

Inarguably, I love not season as each comes with their advantages. Though my body an easily adapt to these seasons, I still have a favourite season.

My favourite season is the rainy season.

The reason I love this season is because of the cold. Unlike the Harmattan, the cold that comes with the rainy season is humidified. Exercising in such weather feels really great. It is always difficult to get tired.

Another reason I love this season is because of the rain itself. The sound of rainfall on aluminium roof is relaxing. There is this hypnotic feeling that comes with it. This can making you drift away in less than 3 minutes. When I find it difficult to sleep during dry seasons, I always play an audio of rainfall with calm thunder strikes. This therapy helps me a lot with my sleep.

Also, the rainy season is a good time to lazy around. Lol 🤣. Just lye down on your bed when it pours. Cover yourself with a blanket and relax. Release all the muscles of your body, including that of your eyes. If your eyes closes, then it's fine but try not to sleep. Control your breathing but don't pay much attention to it. Empty your mind by listening to the sound of rainfall. Relax your nerves. Free your body. Just rest. Do not think of anything, just listen to the rainfall. If you can, count how many drops you can hear. The goal here is to be concentrated on the rainfall while you control your breathing. Makes sure you breath at a very slow pace with each breath being deep and fill your lungs. Make sure you lie down in a position that is most comfortable for you. Just enjoy the rain and relax your self.

I do this quite often and above all, it helps with my mental health. I don't know about people with low blood pressure but I think it will be helpful for people with high blood pressure. And also, it's a good way to relieve mental stress.

This is my entry for the India United weekly prompt

Thank you for reading 😊

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