This morning brings so much positivity : festival vibes

Hello friends!
How are you all? Hope you all are good and ready for a new week. I'm also good and feel so positive today.

Today is the last day or we can say 9th day of navratri. As i discussed in my navratri celebrations post navratri is a festival which celebrated for nine days. On last two days navratri reaches its zenith.

Last day we performed pooja like rest of the days . Than we cook parasd at home . We made halwa, kheer, puri and chana. First we offer that Prasad to goddess and than we invite 9 little girls.

We considered those nine girls as goddess. First wash their feet and than offer them Prasad. After that we put tika on thier forehead and take blessings from her. Also gave them small gifts. This ritual known as kanya poojan or kumari poojan.

And This process gives so much happiness and positivity. Feel like that goddess has come in person & giving many blessings.

Than we also take parsad and breaking the 9 days fast.

After that we distribute jwara among all family members , all ladies ties jwara with jwellery and rest we put in the garden. It considered so auspicious.

Some details about the Prasad:

I think all Indians are familiar with these prasad still I'm going to share some details for those who don't know :⁠-⁠)


Poori is prepared in almost all over the india. Made with some basic ingredients like wheat flour, salt and oil. This is a deep fried indian bread which we can enjoy with bhaji or chana.

Halwa :

This is a sweet made with wheat flour, ghee and sugar. We can add cardmon powder and other dryfruit according to our taste.


This is also like a dessert which made with milk, rice and sugar. This is a slow process which take some time but it's all worth the wait. We can add some dryfruits as our wish.

Chana :

This is boiled kala channa sabji which we can enjoy with poori. Made with indian masala.

When food become parsad taste reach to the next level. Feel so happy and lucky after having that.
We enjoyed navratri festival so much. Hope you also enjoyed it.

Thanku so much for your time, support and love 🤍💫

@mysteriousroad 🙏

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