A Kind Neighbor, A Destiny Helper. #iucontest 07

There is this common slang among the youths in my country (most especially the christian youths) which goes thus: My Destiny Helper or Destiny Helper
This slang literally means someone who assists or offers assistance to another person. Destiny helpers are what the younger generation earnestly crave for. They desire it so much.

A destiny helper is someone who assist you to achieve your goals and aspirations. He is someone who believes in you and assists you to actualize your dreams and visions. Normally, such a person will give you all the assistance you need, both materially and motivationally. Destiny helpers are really great people to have around you.

All thanks to @indiaunited who giving us such a prompt that cause me to have a way of sharing the kindness of someone in my life and family. You can be a part of the #iucontest here


When I got to Ilorin in Kwara State, several things had happened in my life journey. At the time I left the mission house I was staying an went to stay on a personal rented apartment, I got to know someone who turned out to be a kind neighbors and a destiny helper to me. Mummy Afo was a very kind and helpful person to me. She played a major role in helping me purchase the land I built my house. Whenever they was need, she was always there to assist me. That was really a kind neighbor.

The Connection

Our connection to Mum Afo’s family started when she learnt that I was good at coaching people in sciences and Mathematics. So, she engaged me. The relationship grew from ordinary teachers and students to family friends.

The Acts Of Kindness

The love we enjoyed from Mum Afo became great. The entire family loves me and my family so well. Mum Afo always celebrated birthdays for my children till we packed out of that neighborhood. Not only that, she also answered to any financial need and medical expenses that came up in my house then (whenever we were unable to afford). Mum Afo was such a kind person.

Specifically, she raised the money that paid for my land when the opportunity to acquire the land came up. Though she borrowed us the money which we later paid back, the love to bear such a sacrifice could only come from a kind heart.

So, Mum Afo was one person who showed my family great kindness and love.
It was nice to have you read my blog. I hope to read your entry for this contest. Share the act of kindness you have witnessed or performed or experienced.

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