My Free Time and How I Spend It

Personally, I will say that free time depends on our working schedule and where we find ourselves. But regardless, no matter how many hours we work in the whole 24 hours, we must always have that time when we are not doing anything work-related. In some offices, they call it break time; it can be 30 minutes, an hour or hours depending.

Our work description also depends on the quality of free time we have. Some jobs can be demanding, while others are not. In my former place of work, I used to have free time after I returned from work by 2 pm, but everything has changed recently because of the working environment I find myself in.

Being posted to work in a salon as one of the media teams for my PPA (Place of Primary Assignment), I have no time for myself, and the little I have, I have to invest in something that would add value to my life. Switching to a new job where learning has to be from scratch can be both fun and challenging. Waking up every morning, so much would be running through my mind.

Having a place to express myself, my opinions, and my thoughts makes writing the only thing I engage myself with during free time. Instead of chit-chatting with the staff during our free time, I dedicate it especially to writing, trying to write my article, edit it, and make a publication.

Having a platform to write on various topics gives me a better feeling than just talking and laughing out loud. While free time on working days are for writing, my Sunday is completely a work-free day, and after Mass, I have the rest of the hours for myself. I dedicate Sundays to having all the fun the working days didn’t allow me to have.

These include seeing movies with my phone, playing my favorite cooking games, chit-chatting with my friends on social media, and cooking. Cooking is a skill that I enjoy and something I have taken to be a regular part of my routine.

So, these are just the ways I spend my free time. This way, I feel relaxed and yet fulfilled. Any day I miss writing, I feel very bad because I have not made any contribution to topics that matter in our lives as humans. It's always rewarding when we find joy and happiness in our free time.

Images were taken by me

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