My first money making experience


All my life i've been told that making money is not easy! When I was younger I always wondered how hard an it be? Well I knew it cannot be easy to make money if not my father would not be travelling to another city and staying long there just to earn money for the family's needs.

Well after he passed away my mom took all the responsibility of taking care of us 6 children. Then I knew it wasn't very easy for her. All of us had to go to school and fees had to be paid, there were a lot of expenses that needed to be made, even some of our grownup cousins were living with us and my mom will also provide food for them to eat with us.

My mom opened up a business where she sold the popular Nigerian street food "Bread and Akara" and she would carry it on a tray to go sell in the market. Then she created a business opportunity for my grownup cousins too, she makes the Akara and bread for them, they would sell it in the market and they were to bring back the cost amount, the profit for the bread and then keep the profit for the Akara for themselves. At the end of the day they were making a lot of money from there for themselves.

I started getting interested in the business and wanted to make some money for myself too. I told my mom about it and since it was the holiday time I thought of also carrying my own goods to go and sell.
Well my mom agreed to give me some goods to go sell and make profit after she asked whether I was sure of this. I was so excited that she agreed to it!

The next day I woke up very early before everyone and reminded my mom to start frying Akara for the day's hustle.
After arranging everything she packed mine for me in a tray and helped me lift it to my head and I walked straight to the market.

On getting to the market, I got very nervous and shy, I was wishing that no one recognizes me in the market and start asking me when I started hawking goods. Another biggest challenge I had was raising awareness of the goods I was carrying, Others will be screaming: "Buy your Akara and Bread", me I was so ashamed to be screaming that in the market. I returned home with loads of unsold goods. And I felt bad too because every other person including my mom sold everything they had but I only sold 2-3 out of what I had.


I told my mom i'm not doing again and everyone was laughing at me for even thinking I could do that, my mom said she knew I could not do it, again Making money is not easy as she always said. I confirmed this firsthand!


That was my first money making experience and it wasn't easy at all.
Thank you @indiaunited for this nice prompt as it made me think back in time, this is my response. below is a link to participate in the contest:

First Money Making Experience|| @indiaunited

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