A Burmese Famous Song and Actor and Playing in Rising Star Game...!

Hello Indiaunited Community.

I would like to share about Burmese singers and playing Rising Star Game.

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In this world, love is not related to distance or closeness. If true love is true, whether it is far or close, one day it will be close. In order to be close, it will be necessary for both of you to work together. Only people will be far away, but hearts will always be close.

It is normal for anyone who loves a lover who is far away to always think about whether the other person is okay. This song is a song composed for those who are far away, about a lover who is far away. Let's listen. The singers are So Tay, D Yan, He Lay and others.

The Lyrice song is A lover who is far away.

I can hear your call that will separate the water and the land.

When I think about whether it's okay, I gasp

How are you?

Although thousands of miles away

It's like you're always by my side

Trust me, the one I love the most

I worry if I think the same thing

If we can't meet again

If only you had forgotten me

I'm going to heartbroken up, my beloved

Where are you and where will you rest?

Who will you be with at this time?

Calm down, lover, with love that doesn't change

Only you forever

If you still want to believe, hug me when you come back

Avoid it and don't go too far

The resting place of my life, the building of peace

Believe me, my beloved, I love only you.

Credit to A lover who is far away song from Youtube.

Today,I finished 6 missions in Risingstar game.

The name of missions are Local Mini Tour Support, 2times of Open Mic Night, Band Auditiond, guitar lesson, Band Rehearsal,

Today, I can't play Halloween 2023.

Now I am playing Special Missions in game.The Mission is Halloween 2023.

My game level is 111.
My Ego % is 0.
My Fans has 14560.
My Luck has 3570.
My Skill has 36833.
My IM has 304.
I owned totally card has 440cards in game.
My Total Missions are 3605.

Rising Star Game is my favorite PLAY-TO-EARN Blockchain Game.

see you next day.

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