A Burmese Famous Singers and Song and Playing in Rising Star Game...!

Hello Indiaunited Community.

I would like to share about Burmese Tradinional song and playing Rising Star Game.

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Today is Burma's Traditional Thadingyu Day. Since it's Traditional Thadingyu day, let me introduce you to Thadingyu song. The name of the song is called A night in Thadingyu. The singers of the song are Yuzana and Aung Kung Htet.

The song has been around for 15 years, but as a Burmese people, even after hearing that song, it is a song that they can't forget until now. To this day, in the Thadingyu period of the Burmese people, that song has been considered as something that cannot be played. Let's listen together.

The Lyrice song is A night in Thadingyu.

A night in Thadingyu

I remember a Thadingyu night.

When the lights were lit, there were many people in the street

A person in love is wandering alone.

He doesn't have a boyfriend anymore, so he turns to me every now and then.

Let's set off fireworks on the Thadingyu

My life without a companion among happy people

If only I had a boyfriend at this time.

For me, this night is the most beautiful

I met the girl after my thoughts.

After meeting each other's eyes

Marched left and right.

I want to be friends, love and talk

What is the answer?

Try saying it, love

Noisy music during the full moon

Is it because the joy in me is already excited?

What happens to my mind when two eyes meet?

I fell in love and picked up a lover.

Credit to song A night in Thadingyu from Youtube.

Today,I finished 4 missions in Risingstar game.

The name of missions are 2time of Local Mini Tour Support, Band Auditiond and Halloween 2023.

Today,I did not win a limited edition seasonal card.

Now I am playing Local Gig Circuit in game.The Mission is Shopping Mall.

My game level is 111.
My Ego % is 0.
My Fans has 17386.
My Luck has 3570.
My Skill has 36833.
My IM has 304.
I owned totally card has 440cards in game.
My Total Missions are 3620.

Rising Star Game is my favorite PLAY-TO-EARN Blockchain Game.

see you next day.

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