The moments to cherish - My Village trip is about to end

Hi everyone,
It's me after almost half a month here. I was travelling to my Village in Gaya and I visited here after 5 long years.

I have missed this place so badly and that's why I wanted to enjoy these moments to the fullest without any interruptions.

My grandfather met my husband and my son for the first time and he was really happy. It was a moment to cherish.

He has became weak and I observed him spending most of his time on the bed. I feel sad to see him in that situation but that's the reality of life.

I hope God protects him from all the bad things.

I have missed writing but I can write anytime but these moments will take a year to come again.

Well I am not going to leave before sharing few pictures from my journey. I will keep sharing them time to time as I have a lot of them.

For now here are few pictures.





So that was all about this blog, I will share more about my Village soon. I am coming back to Delhi next week so there is very little time left that I will spend here.

I want to improve my gameplay with each day I play this game so feel free to share your suggestions that I can follow to further improve my overall gameplay. looking forward to the suggestions from pro players in the game.

If you want to join this wonderful game build on hive blockchain then you can use my referral link shared below and join the game by paying few dollars in hive tokens.

Join Terracore

I also play Golem Overlord that you can join using the link shared below.

Join Golem Overlord

I generally write on India United community so if you want to join India United Discord Server then you can do so by clicking on the image at the end.

Also to join India United on Hive blockchain by simply checking the communities list.

That's all for this blog, Thank you everyone for reading this blog and staying with me till the end.

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