Rainy season is my favourite

Hello everyone!

Today i will be participating in the contest by @indiaunited which says

My favourite season

We have four major seasons in most regions of the world which are : autumn, spring , winter and summer .

The autumn is know for cooler temperatures and shorter days.

The summer is known for hot weather, long days and and dry conditions in most places.

The Spring is marked by warm temperature and increased daylight and

The winter mostly occurs in December and it is marked by cold weather and snow in most regions.

However in Nigeria , we have just two seasons which are the Dry and Rainy Season. The dry season is characterised with low rainfall, and hot weather conditions and usually causes harmattan and high heat in the country while the rainy season is characterised with high rainfall and generally cooler temperatures which is crucial for agricultural activities in the country. This seasons both have their own positive and negative impacts.

My favourite season??

My favourite season is the rainy season.

I am studying agriculture in the university and during rainy seasons plants tend to grow faster and efficiently without the use of irrigation.

I and my classmatss were given a project, last semester in school to plant African spinach on a farm. We demarcated a certain part of the farm and we made ridges which were used for planting of the crops. Later on, we applied fertilisers in form of manures and urea to boost the plant growth and was told to always come to the farm everyday , to wet the plants with our watering cans,to enable them grow faster and for us to get the desired mark. Since it was rainy season, we didn't have to visit the farm that much to wet our African spinach, and they where able to grow faster earlier by which we plucked the leaves and sold them off to staffs in the school.

Secondly, i love rainy seasons because the dry seasons is usually hot and causes several skin conditions on the body such as heat rashes as well as heat-related illnesses. The dry season also causes high heat which leads to heat stress in livestock animals that affects their feed intake, lead to decreased milk production and affects their reproduction. This factors causes reduced yield , production and income to a farmer .

Lastly, during rainy seasons there is high availability of water in the society. We make use of borehole so normally during rainy seasons there is usually continous supply of water in the boreholes which prevents them from drying up while during dry season there is low supply of water and there is need for pumps to lift water from deeper depths of the ground, that leads high energy consumption and increased operational costs.

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