Justfavour Unplugged: Who Am I?

My name is Justfavour, and the reason behind this name is my firm belief in the favor of God. I truly believe that all I need in this life is His favor. It's a belief that gives me strength, hope, and a sense of purpose. In the real world, my friends call me Favour and those who are really close to me call me by my surname. I don’t think I'd want to share that here on Hive. There's a lot to say about my name, and I could go on and on yabbying and blabbing about different stories surrounding how I got my name. But, that's not the main purpose of this post. The main reason for me writing this post is to try to an extent, tell you who I am. Better put, tell you who I think I am.

"Who are you?" is one of the most challenging questions to answer. It's difficult to provide an accurate response because it is the people who know us that can truly give us an answer. However, I am going to try to answer this intriguing question for myself. There are a lot of things I keep secret and would not like to be made public here on the blockchain. So, I'm going to sieve and dilute a lot of things, presenting you with just a tiny bit of the iceberg.

I am a man of much wow and an epitome of my creator’s creation. I understand that no one is perfect and that nothing in this world is perfect, but every day, I work towards attaining perfection. My goal is to become perfect one day. I understand that no one is perfect and that nothing in this world is perfect, but every day, I work towards attaining perfection. My goal is to become perfect one day. I understand that some people might think that this is a vague journey, but that's not what I think. Just leave me to do my thing. I was created in the image and likeness of my Creator, and that is why he answers me whenever I call him, silently of course.

One important thing you need to know about me is that I am a very good person. I understand that it is not very polite to brag about the things you own, but I just have to do it. I promise that I'll only do it this time. So, here we go: yes, I am a very good person. I am one of a kind, and that makes me a rare gem. One of the things that make me a good person is that I want the best for everyone- my friends and even my enemies (not that I have one.) I care deeply about others, wanting the best for everyone, even those who might not be kind to me. Seeing people happy and succeeding makes my heart happy too. I believe in spreading positivity and supporting others, which is what makes me who I am.

I am not a saint. I understand that I have a few flaws. We are humans, and we all have flaws, right? But, every day I keep working on them. One of my flaws is that I get angry easily. Well, it used to be really bad. But now, I have improved greatly on myself. Instead of getting angry, I just choose to walk away. Whenever people try to mess with me by trying to make me angry, and I successfully avoid them, I pat myself on the back and say “Oh! You've done it again, Justfavour. You have done it again.”

Oh! Most importantly, I love books. I love to read books. I live for books. I eat books to the bones. Books are my thing. They breathe life into me, every day. Who knows where my soul would have vanished if it weren't for books?

I understand that we all have a virtual identity, shaped by our internet presence. Sadly, I don’t have an idea what people think about me online. It's hard to know how others see us online since people form their own opinions based on limited information.

So, there you have it. These are the tiny bits about me that I am willing to share.

Note: all images in this post are mine.

Thanks for reading.

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