IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #7: Theme - "Acts of Kindness"

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This post is in response to a prompt by @indiaunited. Want to know more? Here is the link

Tell us about a time where you witness or performed an Act of Kindness. Whether it's a simple gesture or a grand act, the stories reminds us to stay positive and help fellow beings without expecting anything in return.

I am very sympathetic to the plight of my fellow man and I try everything humanly possible to help out in anyway that I can. I tell you it always has been a very gratify experience for me.

On the streets, especially in my country, you see beggars all around and the debate has been on; "Should we help them by giving them alms instead of them getting some sort of job to do"?

Well, I love helping out because I really do not think that someone would just want to stay out there in the cold and under the scorching Sun, without having the need to. I do not know the reason they are out there. Could be that they have lost hope and see no other way out but whatever reason there is, remember they are human as well and do deserve the good things of life.

Some old people have been abandoned by their children and my heart goes out to these hapless individuals who did not bargain for what life has dished out to them. Some have been displaced from their homes as a result of war or conflict and the only way to keep body and soul together, is to beg. I don't judge them, I just help out.

Every festive season, I make it a point of duty to feed twenty beggars and make the season special for them as well, I do not really have much but I wish I could do much more.

The delight on their faces, that sense of belonging to a society that cares and their prayers of gratitude, all go a long way in making the experience so much worth it. I don't see it as just an act of kindness, I see it as the duty I owe humanity.

Thank you @indiaunited for this contests which helps little accounts like mine grow.

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