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IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #20: Theme - " How did you join hive?

**Theme: How Did I Join Hive ? **


I started searching for money making opportunities online because I got tired of being jobless. As a wife and mother, I know that I love dedicating my time to my family but the truth be told; with the economic situation in my country in particular, I needed to be able to earn as well, no matter how little, to be able to augment whatever hubby is earning and not leaving the whole responsibility to him. I wanted a freelancing job or an online stuff which would leave me with enough time to take care of my family. I have seen a lot of conventional workers out there not being there for their families, a particular pathetic case is this one that actually made the headlines some moments ago; 'A Child Of Four Drowns In A Bathtub'. The parents were at work and had left her in the care of their friendly neighbour and the neighbour had gone to pick some stuffs from the grocery, leaving the children to their own device. Feeling hot, they entered the 'swimming pool' which is the bathtub, very sordid details that I wouldn't want to go into actually, but the bottom line is that the child died as a result of negligence.

Things like this have been happening and honestly I wouldn't trust anyone with my little girl, so my joblessness for this season, is for a good course.

I needed something to earn me some money from home, so that set me searching online.

Someone had told me about Steemit years ago but I didn't take it seriously because I didn't see the need then, I had a job and didn't want the added stress of staying online, blogging. But recently, when I was browsing for money making opportunities, Steemit popped up again, Hive also came up. I went for Steemit first but it was very Cold out there... Oops!

I decided to try this platform, Hive. Because I read it's a fork of Steemit but a better version and I also reasoned that If it's been on for these number of years, then it's no fraud, again its decentralized nature was a great attraction for me.
I've lost some good amount of money in some sham projects parading themselves as investment programmes and I have had it up to here. I know this platform is not a get rich quick thingy but I'm here to make some money I would be very frank with you and also to try and express myself in all the ways I possibly can.

And so far so good !

I'm still lagging behind in posting as frequently as I would have loved to. But I promise to do it more regularly...😁

Images from my gallery.

Thank you @indiaunited for making small accounts like mine grow...🙏,