My First Smartphone: A Life-Changing Experience.

Hello everyone. Good morning and welcome to my blig. Its my first time here on @indiaunited, hope I'm welcomed guys.

My first smartphone was actually not bought for me. It was my late moms. I was about to leave for the university and then funds were so low, so there was no money to get a new phone after getting all the important things I needed to get for school.

My mom offered to give me her phone to start with and that's how I automatically got a smartphone for myself for the very first time. I was so happy that atleast I could get to handle a phone for the first time. I was excited, not that I haven't handled a phone, but common that was a smartphone. I felt connected to the world like never before.

Being able to see the world through the eyes of social media. Being able to pass information and receive information with less stress was so amazing and I really loved games, so it was also a pleasure to see that I could get to play some of my favorite games on my phone. I don't know but it was like a new world open before me.

It was amazing the first few months, till when I started feeling tired and getting fed up of the phone. The memory was getting stuffed up and the phone started malfunctioning. A call could ring for 3 minutes before it shows on the screen, took long to load things like there were issues with my network.

I went through hell with the phone. But as God would have it, with some savings and proceedings from some of my work on hive. I was able to get my first ever owned not borrowed smartphone last November. And it was indeed a smartphone, sleek and really smart, no issues, the feeling I even had with the phone was even smaller, I was more than excited.

My first smartphone was more than just a device; it was a gateway to a new era of possibilities. It transformed my life, and I'm grateful for the experience.

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Best wishes ❤️

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