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IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #19: Theme - "What do you do for living ??



In life one must have something he or she is doing to put food on the table and to help those in need. Time has passed when house wives do not do anything and wait only for their husbands to do everything in the house. It is no longer time that one source of income is enough for the family that is why this contest is fitting now than ever.

This week contest

Theme: what do you do for living ?
Tell us about what do you do for living ?, Are you the earning member of your house or not? What is your source of income ? It is permanent of temporary?

What I do for a living

Well as a young child, I learned some skill like tailoring and head dressing as it was then called. I have been doing all this for a living for years. I did this two skills for 17 good years. I was also doing farming work while doing it. It has been my source of income. One day, in year 2000, a friend invited me for a business opportunity. When I reached there it was wellness seminar.

That reminded me my childhood dream of being a nurse and since then, I have train myself in wellness so as to educate others and care for the sick too. Recently I enrolled in college of Homeopathic school so as to know how to treat with Homeopathic medicine and it has been an awesome experience. Teaching people how to live a healthy life gradually become my hobby and that is one of the things I do for a living.

Aside from wellness, I am blogging here on Hi e blockchain, it has been a great one for almost 2 years now. Blogging here has helped me so much. Before now, I love reading than writing but I have trained myself to write and love it at the same time. It has giving me the opportunity to make quality friends and I must say Hive is something I do for a living too.

Earning member of my family

I am not the only person that is making money in my family. Although 80 percent of expenses is on me. I have other members of my family who are into wellness too. Some are on Hive blockchain too doing the same thing I'm doing here. We all unitedly help each other in the family to make sure there is progress.

My source of income is not temporary, it is permanent,yes it is permanent. Creating content on Hive is life time. Even if challenges throw me out, after everything, I will still come back to create content, engage and socialize. I have not for one day think of when Hive will shut down because it's foundation is on web3 blockchain so hive business is permanent.

My second source of income is also permanent. No matter how poor one maybe, good health is priority. People are sick daily and need healthcare personal. They need advice on health. With that, I'm in a good business. Till old age, my services is needed all time.

Why good source of income

Economy of the world is not smiling at anyone. Whether you like it or like it, prices of things will continue to go up. You don't need it come down rather to have a good business to finance yourself and others. For example in my country, by this time last year fuel was #500, but today is 1k. Only God knows how much it will be next year.

Doing a business that is temporary will not help one to grow rather it will send the person to a pit of poverty. Having a good and permanent income will keep one in a position to help others have good source of income because one can only give what he has.


My sources of income are permanent and my determination is to continue to do them well so that I can help others who want to do what I am doing to do it well. Like blogging on Hive is a privilege for everyone who wants to build a stable and steady income. It is not temporary but a sustainable one.