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Body modification is not the solution.

“Stop trying to fix your body. It was never broken”— Eve Ensler


Body modification is gradually becoming a trend in the world and I wonder why people are becoming obsessed with the idea of physical alterations. There was a time when there was no technology for these things, people appreciate and love what they look like but it is the other way around in this age we live in.

People go to terrible lengths just to look like someone the
Op]admire and to my greatest surprise, I got to know that some human dream is to look like a particular anime or cartoon character.

They go through several cuts in the operating theater just to get a new look and aside from spending so much money, they are exposed to lots of risks of which they are aware.

I was watching a program yesterday when a surgeon specializing in the field of body modification advised a guy not to do anything to his face due to how bad things could get. They joked about it and later in the interview, the guy said nothing was going to stop him from giving himself that alien look which means he was going to get it done somewhere else.

When I was a teenager, the extreme level of modification was having excessive tattoos but that's not the case anymore.

People have stepped up to change their physical looks with plastic surgeries, piercing, enhanced body parts, and many others.

After reading about different reasons why people opt for physical alteration, I still do not understand why they find so much pleasure in it. The common reason is because of self-esteem, people feel that they aren't good enough for others and they undergo surgeries just to be perfect for others and not for themselves.

The idea of looking a particular way before you can be accepted is terrible, people will accept you only when you accept yourself. It is impossible to convince people to see the good in you when you don't even believe there is any good in you.

Your self-esteem can be worked on without passing through the operating theater, it is a challenge you can overcome by just having a proper mindset. Building your self-esteem has to do with improving your mind capabilities positively, accepting and embracing yourself wholeheartedly.

The first problem I see with people who do physical alteration is lack of self-love, people fall under pressure just because they don't appreciate what they look like. Body modifications can be justified to an extent and it is not bad in all cases.

A person with an inappropriate leg structure which makes walking difficult can work on their body to make life good for them but in a case when we only want more than a perfect body, it becomes something else.

A few years ago, a lady who wasn't satisfied with her skin color started bleaching. She got what she wanted but it wasn't long before she developed a terrible body odor that made people avoid her.

Her story is what I refer to as asking for more than a perfect body. She wanted people to admire her and in the end, she was hated. People lift their asses, boobs, chin, and eyebrow just for the society to accept them whereas the society care less about you.

This same society will body shame you for being fat and when you fix yourself through the wonders of knives, they will be the one to still tease you about doing body alteration so why not just love yourself for who you are.

Aside from surgeries, there are other ways on working on some things. If you want to work on your body fat, why not do exercise? A flat tummy requires you to do exercise to keep you in shape, eat right but these become too much and we settle for body modifications.

There is nothing wrong with you, you just have to love every part of yourself and accept that you are unique.

I respect people's decision for choosing physical alteration but the truth is that it can only help your self-esteem for a while. It gets to a stage when some of these people can't handle the effect of their physical alteration. A lot of people develop illnesses, diseases and so on after modifying their body, some go through the blades several times to amend things but still end up losing their lives.

I am not in any way condemning anyone for the choices they make but the effect of these things on the society isn't good. Many kids today now believe body modification is the only solution to building their self-esteem and that's why the cases are growing.

The importance of self-love can't be quantified and until we learn to accept what we are, we can't make others love us.

Body modifications won't bring the everlasting acceptance we are seeking from people and what we want can only come when we learn to love ourselves.