Living life > Expectation

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Welcome to my latest blog this is your host @furiousboy from India. I share thoughts on various categories of topics such as entertainment, sports, mobile games, PC games, life events, and some time on life philosophy.

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Expectations of Society in Different Life Stages

Society has expectations for individuals at different stages of their lives, from childhood to old age. These expectations can vary depending on cultural, social, and economic factors, but they play an important role in shaping an individual's experiences and their sense of self. In this blog, we will explore the expectations that society has for individuals in different life stages.


During childhood, society has high expectations for young people to be innocent, well-behaved, and obedient. Children are expected to perform well in school, to listen to and respect their elders, and to participate in extracurricular activities. They are also expected to conform to gender-based norms and roles, such as playing with certain toys, wearing certain clothes, and participating in certain activities.


During adolescence, society's expectations for individuals become more complex. Adolescents are expected to form their own identities, develop their social skills, and make important decisions about their future. They are also expected to conform to societal norms, such as attending school and avoiding risky behaviors, while also exploring their independence.

Young Adulthood:

In young adulthood, society expects individuals to complete their education, pursue a career, and start building their own families. They are expected to be responsible, self-sufficient, and productive members of society. This can be a challenging stage, as individuals are expected to balance their own needs with the expectations and responsibilities of adulthood.

Middle Age:

In middle age, society has expectations for individuals to have established their careers and families, and to be secure and successful in both areas. They are expected to take on leadership roles in their communities, to provide for their families, and to continue to contribute to society. At the same time, individuals in middle age may also be expected to deal with the challenges of aging, such as declining health and the care of aging parents.

Old Age:

In old age, society has expectations for individuals to be financially secure and to have a comfortable retirement. They are also expected to have a legacy of wisdom and experience to pass on to younger generations. Despite these expectations, older individuals may also face challenges, such as declining health and social isolation, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and loss of purpose.

Society's expectations for individuals in different life stages can have a profound impact on their experiences and sense of self. By understanding these expectations, individuals can better navigate the challenges and opportunities of each stage of life, and develop a sense of purpose and fulfillment that aligns with their own values and aspirations. Whether they meet society's expectations or not, it is important for individuals to remember that their worth is not determined by external factors, but by their own unique qualities and experiences.

That's it for the day this is @furiousboy signing off for the day, until next time keep reading, keep learning, keep growing and keep enjoying my blogs, and show your support to me if you like my blogs by voting for me and by commenting below.

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