A mixed feelings

Ever since I was in highschool, making my own money was my number one goal. I wish to be that lady that won't have to wait for a man to provide every of her little needs and the worst of all is that placing a request was one of the most difficult thing for me to do. Sometimes I just wonder how the other girls manage to frequently ask their man or guys for stuff because trust me it's something have tried to do and it's not just working out. At times before I make a simple request it takes about a month have conceived the thought and after conceiving the thought, it takes another time before I finally execute it for something so small. So because of that have always desired to make my own money.

Though have been earning ever since I was in highschool but officially the first time I got a job and was giving a monthly pay was right after I wrote my highschool last examination know as West Africa Examination Council (WAEC). Three months after the exam, my uncle helped me secured a position in his working place and I started work the next day. First I was happy I was gonna earn cool and legit cash which literally made me bought whatever I needed without billing anybody including my parents and that's because I wasn't chasing clouds rather I go for things within my reach.

Honestly speaking, it wasn't so easy on me per my first experience, and that's because for my morning shift I have to be up as early as 4:30am to 5:00am to prepare for work since we are to resume by 6:00am and close by 2:00pm while for the afternoon shift I resume by 2:00pm close by 9:00pm. Specifically been up at the early hour of the day was a torn in my flesh and I wasn't finding it so easy at all. The afternoon shift on the other hand deprived me of some quality time to go for meeting's/programs i was invited for not just that, my Sundays were not spared as well as I have to go to work every Sundays. Though it was stressful like I earlier said but then the pay was encouraging too and that's why I had to continue working till I finally left the organization to travel to another city.

Finally my first working experience was a mixed reactions for me as I enjoyed collecting my monthly pay and a thorn as it involved a whole lot of stress attending to both the crazy and calm customers. 😁😭

All photos are mine.

Writing was inspired by @indiaunited community weekly featured contents, your first money-making experience. Do well to click on contest announcements to get involved.

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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