IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #7: Theme - "Acts of Kindness" (Beyond Words)

I can remember back then in the college, I was not a reach student but God helped me, i had what to eat, i had always wanted to be kind to people but my mind kept telling me, you don't have but yet you want to show kindness, i was hard for me at the start but it became a lifestyle after a few years. I will be sharing experience that broke the camels back.

one amongst the few experience that i cant forget, the picture here always do remind me of that great day. it all started like a drama, it was in the early hours of the morning, i had just finish my prayer moment, i had a knock on my door, as i opened i saw my little boy by name, Miracle, He said to me sir, i have not eaten in days now, please can you help me with some money to buy cooking gas, there are a few cups of rice, that i can cook if i have a cooking gas, sincerely i didn't i was broke but i had just equivalent amount of money that could only get a kg of gas, it was had to give it out because i also was making plans for the cash. i told him that see the amount i have and this is what i want to do with it, He left with so much disappointment on his face but just as he was going, i had to call him back and give him the available money, miracle was so excited, he knelt down and prayed for me in tears, i said amen and left.
yes that was all i had but then i gave out, on reaching school as i arrived school, a lecturer of mine sent for me, on reaching his office he gave the some money, that was equivalent to my monthly upkeep, tears of joy ran through my chicks and i learnt my lesson that when you show kindness you open up the door for reciprocation.

With that excitement i couldn't wait for the day to end, i entered the market immediately after my lectures, so i got some foodstuff , took them back with the help of the money my lecturer gave me. on reaching home, i called miracle show him some more kindness

His joy knew no bound when i did that, but then it was as if the portal of kindness was open unto me, my next visit to this market was a free gift day, it was my own day of kindness, the experience can not be forgotten in a hurry.

because of my kind gestures to miracle, the door was open for me as well, from that day, it became my lifestyle to do so. am glad to share this today and to participate in this indiaunited weekly context. thanks for having me @emylight

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