My favourite food

bole and fish one of the most delicious food here in port Harcourt and you can't blame me for loving it more. Bole and fish is a special treat food or road side delicacy which the capital of rivers state port Harcourt has been identified with. As a matter of fact, port Harcourt is now know as the capital of bole and fish as visitors who have heard of the delicacy always request for it as a treat.

The ingredients that make up bole and fish, plantain and fish are readily available in rivers state which is a tropical rain forest region and plantain is a stable food in many tropical regions and easily grows in swampy areas, it could be prepared ripe or unripe and its even fried, boiled, smoked or roasted. The many rivers in river state make fish available for the bole and fish combination, bole and fish is usually served with a hot and spicy palm oil sauce or stew with secret ingredients only known to the one who prepared the sauce.

Remember Palm oil was once the main say of the Nigerian economy so it is no surprise that it is a constant for the bole and fish sauce. There's a variant of bole and fish in some part of Nigeria, in the western part it is known as boli and it is served with groundnuts however a well prepared bole and fish from Port Harcourt will leave you with a finger licking 😋 experience and asking for more. As a growing child, eating bole and fish in Rivers state was a thing and i enjoyed it a lot. Dipping your Plantain into the roughly chopped pepper, onion and sweet tasty tomatoes hot sauce sends a delicious and tasty signals to your brain and taste buds. The roasted fish which is garnish with some of the sauce on it, tastes so good and makes you feel joy inside while eating it. If you are like me who like the ripe plantain then you will know what is called premium enjoyment when you taste this Nigerian delicacy.

Here in river state, this food is really a very sweet and great dish I love eating and it's even taste more good when the vendor close to my house does it. My goodness ! The scent of the sauce was too good that even from my house i could scent it and i wasn't able to resit it and so i ordered for one, its so good, i couldn't stop dipping my plantain into the sauce. Both the sauce and the fish was well roasted and it sent a the right signal to my taste buds and hit the right spot and did what they were supposed to do which takes the bole and fish from 50 to 100 in a flash. There is no describing how much I love this food but if I was to choose between a variety of other food and bole and fish was there I would chose it without even thinking much about it.

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much love and gratitude


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