Apply on JRFRY 2023


Let's talk about what is JRFRY
Well the full form is Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat yojna. In this scheme every year government helps to the farmer. The farmer whose Crop didn't go well , they get help from government in this scheme.

This was aslo available in 2022 and this year too. The farmer whose paddy and Corn🌽 plants damaged anyhow , they will get some money from jharkhand government. Jharkhand is State of India. Couple of years backs the jharkhand was in Bihar . 15 November 2000 jharkhand separated from Bihar. Both state feel same.


So in this scheme how farmer can apply. Yeah there's need some documents like identity card, land's paper and signed documents. The sign should be from head of the village. He certify that the candidate is correct.

The old users like the user who applied in 2022 or before. They don't need register again. With that mobile number and password they can log in and apply for 2023 scheme. In this video I told this in details. I also shown live that how to do correctly. The document size is also important here. How much documents size and format needed. Everything is just told in video. Please feel free the visit the video link.

I have also hope that you gonna Like the video and share with your colleagues.

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