My taste for simple. My favourite food? #iucontest

Hi #indiaunited friends,

I've been following you from afar for some time now because of the great work you do at #Hive.

After reading @folublessed's post yesterday about the #iucontest I couldn't find the time in my diary to write a post on this great initiative you have taken to bring more life to the #indiaunited community.

My favourite food

Choosing a favourite meal for someone who likes to eat a lot like me, being able to choose just one meal is something very complicated, as I like all kinds of meats, I love to eat good seafood and there is not a day that goes by that I don't eat a good salad.

But if I have to choose one meal above all else, I'll go for one of the simplest delicacies, which is a tomato salad with extra virgin olive oil and a little onion.

It is a simple, tasty and above all comforting dish when, at the beginning of summer, you see the tomato blossoms sprouting on your own tomato plants.

As the days go by, tiny tomatoes sprout from the flowers.

With care and watering, they grow.

And with the warmth of the sun, they turn orange and reddish.

Home-grown tomatoes, without additives or pesticides. 100% natural tomato flavor. And with a good virgin olive oil it becomes the best dish in the world in the summer, with temperatures close to 35 °C.

Salmorejo, my second first choice

Continuing with tomatoes as the main ingredient, but with some additional ingredients, I present Salmorejo.

Salmorejo is a typical dish from the south of Spain in which tomatoes, olive oil, water, vinegar, garlic and breadcrumbs are mixed together. In a bowl and with the help of a blender, an emulsion of all the ingredients is made with a medium liquid consistency.

As a good accompaniment, add a little egg and finely chopped Iberian pork ham.

It is eaten cold and is a lethal weapon to combat the heat.

I remember falling in love with this dish more than 20 years ago on my first visit to the city of Córdoba. It is said that this simple but tasty dish was first prepared there.

Best regards.

I hope you like my entry.

Best regards.

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Pictures taken with my iPhone 13 and Sony Alpha 6000L camera.

This is my entry to #iucontest organized by @indiaunited.

Link to #iucontest

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