My Favorite YouTuber

Namaste everyone!

It's another great week for everyone to engage and share ideas. This week's prompt is very amazing, "Who is your favorite YouTuber and why?"

One of the things my teacher once taught me was the need to have a role model, someone who you will dream to be like or even better than. I have got to find out that this saying is true, "experience is the best teacher ". I have also found out that following the footsteps of an experienced individual can make a learning journey a very easy one for a learner. With this understanding, I have decided to find a very skilled individual on YouTube who posts videos showing his prowess in the Call of Duty game.

My favorite YouTuber is CoD Narco. This guy posts mainly videos of himself playing the Call of Duty Mobile game. There are many reasons why I chose CoD Narco as my favorite YouTuber and I will lay them out in a simple format.

EXPERIENCE: CoD Narco is a very experienced gamer. Watching his videos helped me get better at the game. Sometimes I come across Call of Duty contests and tournaments. I prepare for these tournaments by watching his videos. As I said earlier, "experience is the best teacher", learning from an experienced individual is the best option.

FUN: CoD Narco is sometimes a funny player. I most times enjoy watching his videos because of how he engages his enemies in the game. He makes his opponents look stupid by his strategies.
Watching his videos is one of the ways I get relaxed. Whenever I suffer from writing blocks or I am bored of playing the game, I just find joy in watching his videos.

QUALITY: I can remember the last prompt where we were to talk about our favorite game, why and improvements we suggest in the game. I had an entry and I can remember talking about the features of mythic weapons. The possession and perfect use of mythic weapons are one of the reasons I like CoD Narco. He has a lot of mythic weapons which makes his videos amazing and very interesting. Since I don't have money to purchase these mythic weapons but I fancy them, I would always watch CoD Narco's videos.

He is my role model in the world of gaming, Call of Duty particularly. I must sincerely say that he is the reason I have upgraded my gaming skills and I can proudly say that he is my best YouTuber!

Thanks for reading.
This is my entry for the #indiaunited prompt of the week, week 10
Video source: YouTube

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