My Best Childhood Memory

Being the last child of the family is one of the sweet and somehow regretful parts of my childhood. The sweet part of being the last child of the family was in the case of house chores and responsibilities. When I was a child, I used to sleep, wake, eat, play, eat, sleep and eat again. That was my routine. I was very obsessed. All the house chores were meant for my elder siblings, wow. But the regretful part of being the last child of the house was the fact that I started school last. I used to miss my siblings when they left the house for school. Whenever they returned from school, they often discussed interesting activities that took place in school and that often made me feel very jealous of being the first child and started school first to enjoy those experiences.

Months ran like antelopes and weeks like cheetahs. I was registered in one of the nearby schools. I was very happy because I knew I was going to the place where I would have my best childhood experiences. I didn't even know my aim of going to school then, all I knew was to leave the house for school to have fun and get stories to share when I return. I made a lot of friends back then. I had the serious types, the playful types and the quiet types. I made friends with the serious types so I could always learn from them and the playful ones so that I could engage in the latest games then. Whenever I was down or depressed because of one action or sickness, I would always visit my quiet friends.

One of my playful friends was Hanson. Hanson is a lover of football just as I am. I remember those times when we didn't even used to listen to our teachers as long as it was a few minutes to break time. We often waited for the sound of the break time bell. Whenever this bell is rung, we often rush out of the class and straight to the field to play soccer. However, due to constant incidents of getting injured while playing soccer, we were banned from playing on the field without keen supervision. We had to switch from the football play to other possible ones.

Since we had been banned from the soccer play, we switched to the play of digging up holes to capture crickets. We often used sticks to dig up thin and narrow holes dug by crickets till we captured them. This was a great play for us because the cricket bite used to be very painful, so capturing a single cricket without having it bite any of us was always like pulling down an elephant. Most times when we dig and lose track of the hole, we puncture every part of the sand with our middle finger until any of the points open up, then that's the lost hole track. This was one of the most risky games we played back then I will never forget it.

This play was also banned because we had a very terrible incident one of the days we went on the hunting game. While we were digging, we saw a little dark insect in the hole. The insect was not visible because there wasn't enough light in the hole. We all assumed that was the cricket and Hanson thrusted his fingers into the hole to capture the cricket. Unknowingly to us, the insect we mistook for a cricket was a large dark-skinned scorpion. When Hanson tried to pick up the "so-assumed" insect, he got a very sharp sting from the scorpion. "Ohhhhh my God!!!!" Hanson shouted with a very loud voice louder than that of a train horning.

Hanson was rushed to the school clinic. I had never experienced a scorpion sting or seen someone who had been stung by a scorpion. That day, though I wasn't the victim, I felt the pain my playful friend suffered. The veins in his face were all swollen and sweat drops rolled down his cheeks without stopping. He cried as though he was losing his life gradually.
I was very happy my friend later recovered and came back to full form. This story shows my favorite childhood experiences and how they later turned into regrets.

The only play we engaged in my small age I knew helped me grow was playing chess. It was a very intelligent IQ game we played back then I knew contributed to my growth now, others were only for memories and fun.

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