Jared scar and Drybone raider in action

Hello Splinter nerds

We have some very nice fighters among the new reward cards but we are yet to have them max and that is the reason why we are yet to see how brutal they can really be in battles...

One of my favorite ability Martyr is a game changer if it is utilized well and you are about to witness a battle where it got activated 4 times because I used 2 resurrect monsters and my summoner also have the Resurrect stats...


The Jared scar is one powerful monster that never misses its attack and it has the bloodlust ability that boosts all its stats by +1 which makes him stronger with every successful kill... He is one of the monsters I fear in battles...


3 unique abilities, i have explained the bloodlust above, the second monster is called true strike and this is why he never misses an attack while the third piercing makes his attack unstoppable by monsters with armor..


The Drybone Raider is one of the new editions of reward cards, he has 2 modes of attack, melee and range power which makes the total damage 4 but it also has an ability called double strike that makes his total attack 8...


3 abilities as well, the double strike which is my favorite out of the three, then the shatter that breaks armor, and lastly is the cripple that makes it impossible for any healing monster to last long except those with immunity...


battle link

Here is our line up, he used the water splinter while i use the life splinter...


The game got interesting after the martyr ability has been fully activated, My Jared was having 11 melee power and 5 speed while the drybone have 7 melee power and 6 range power making the total 13 power plus the double strike means he will do 26 attacks per round, incredible!

I had issues with some of his monsters with the forcefield ability, as I could only take 1 health per attack based on how the ability work [forcefield only takes -1 health damage from monsters with 5 or more power attack]

Drybone defeated more monsters than the rest so he is the mvm of the battle...

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All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and ingame

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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