A monster with the Leech ability save the battle

Hello Splinter nerds

There are so many abilities given to each monster that sometimes it is hard to make up your mind about which monster you want to use in a battle.

I had a battle today and it was a monster with the leech ability that made me win, if not it would have been a lost battle.

The leech ability works in a way that when a monster that possesses it hit the opponent's monsters, it gets half the health damage done to the enemy, that is the life of the leech monster increases by half of the damage done to the opponent, so let say a monster with leech did a 4 health damage to the opponent monster, its life will be increased by 2+ health which is half of the 4 health damage done.

I would have lost the battle I am about to share but I won it, all thanks to Stitch Leech the monster with the leech ability.

We were given one rule set Take sides which means no neutral monsters can be used in the battle.

I used the life splinter while the opponent used the earth splinter

battle link

I was expecting magic and that is why I use Pelacor conjurer

but did not expect the opponent to come with many magic monsters, Pelacor tried his best, the opponent monsters had many misses when they attacked it but he was eventually defeated in round 11

Stitch leech has used his leech ability to increase his health to 18+ before it took the position of Pelacor and till the end of the battle, the opponent could not defeat it. Truthspeaker also played its part, it replenish the health of stitch leech and it got to a point it was supplying it +6 health per round.

The other three monsters I used were celestial harpy with the opportunity and true strike ability, Herbalist with the triage and cleanse abilities, and Lensmaster with the blind ability.

They did great but without stitch leech, no way I would have won against the opponent's magic monsters.

if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands battlemage secrets, you can join from here

All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and ingame

Just call me Burl.

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