My Favorite Season Of The Year.

Gooday friends. It’s my first time here in the Indiaunited community and I feel good to be here. This will be my first contest entry here and I hope you all appreciate my work.

Human beings are never satisfied. If it rains too much, we tend to complain. If its too hot, we complain too so there is basically no way humans can be satisfied not even in your favorite weather or your favorite time of the year.
Even though we all may never be satisfied at all times, we all have our favorite times of the year. Some people love it when it’s rainy, some love it when it’s hot and more. Let’s get to know my favorite season…

What’s my favorite season of the year?

My favorite season of the year is Autumn season. I’be been to London once with my aunt for a conference and I loved the experience. We do not have the Autumn season here in Nigeria but I loved that season immediately I felt it.
If you ask me about my favorite season of the year, it’s surely going to be the autumn season.

Why do I like this season?

The autumn season has always been my favorite and it will continue to be. That’s because I don’t like it when it is extremely cold out there or extremely hot. I love it moderate. In the autumn season.
Firstly, we know that the autumn season is the one which acts like the transition bettween summer and winter. During this time, we tend to notice that temperatures usually drop, a lot of trees will shed their leaves and thats why we tend to see so many orange plants in this season.


A lot of leaves will turn orange and this is the time when we get to experience more sunset or the weather looking kinda orange. The daylight tends to become shorter too. It’s just like the tropical season when everything is warm. It’s never too hot or cold and you don’t necessarily have to protect yourself from hot or cold.
It’s the best natural season so far.

Would you like to experience this season again?

Honestly, I’d love to experience the season again. We don’t have it here in Nigeria but the season we usually have in August seem like it even though it is not a hundred percent.


I’d love to travel to London someday again to experience the Autumn season again.

For my friends who would love to partake in this contest, here is the link for your entry


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