The Fast Food Trap: How Convenience Affects Our Health and Wallet

Nowadays everything is happening very fast and gradually we are becoming patient and we also want everything quickly. Meaning, no one wants to be patient. Yes, not everyone is like this, but most of the people are becoming like this. They want instant results for everything, but this is not possible. In this busy life, everyone wants to achieve everything quickly and it is so for everything and we have seen how today's young generation is getting very attracted towards fast food and they love simple home-made food. He doesn't like it, now he has become used to eating outside. And believe me, once you get into the habit of eating outside, the food at home starts to taste quite bland.


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I also used to do the same, yes even now I have not given up fast food at all, sometimes I eat it once a week or sometimes even once a month. There are very few people who refer to home food instead of fast food. And who knows how much money they waste on this fast food issue and also take their health for granted. Some of my acquaintances have had stomach-related problems and most of them used to eat outside food instead of home food, instead of.

Most people these days like spicy food, especially where I live. It was about a year ago, when there were very few people in the office, so every day we used to ask for something to eat from outside, as soon as 3:00 in the evening went by, it became a habit for all of us. To eat outside, we used to just search the numbers of different restaurants online and order from there and keep trying something new every day and don't know how much money we wasted like this. Now we cannot change what has happened, but now we can do such things so that we do not make these mistakes again.

According to me, the best solution for this is you stay away from such places where you feel like eating all these things or for some time, stay away from those friends who eat fast food daily or encourage you to eat fast food. Are. Yes, sometimes we feel very hungry and that is why we are left with no option other than eating fast food because in many places these days nothing other than fast food is available. Nowadays, new restaurants and fast food stalls have opened everywhere and believe me, everywhere is crowded with people and everyone is busy.



There are very few people who can live without fast food otherwise most of people are dependent on fast food and if you live in a big metropolis and you live alone then you would hardly cook food at home because you have to work in the office all day long. Hardly anyone feels like eating outside, it is not that everyone eats outside but most people do the same. In metropolitan cities, all these things are available very cheaply if you order from a stall. If you go to a restaurant in a big hotel, it is quite expensive. Yes, sometimes you can try to eat in a big restaurant by going to a hotel, but every day. Going there and eating there is not within everyone's reach.

I consider myself very lucky that I live in my own house and I get home-cooked food. Yes, it is very difficult to prepare delicious food every day, but whatever we get at home, we should eat it with pleasure. And whoever has prepared that food should be encouraged, I would not advise giving false praise. If something is bad, then you should clearly mention the bad but say it so that the next person does not feel bad because whoever has prepared that food for you. It's not like he has prepared it after hours of hard work, he just gave a pinch and everything is closed, man, it's done.

I believe that you can do anything, it all depends on you, and how capable you are of accepting or abandoning things. Yes, bad habits catch us very quickly but it is very difficult to acquire good habits. Just remember once you have got it, then it will be beneficial for you. If you enjoy home-cooked food then it is a very good thing because firstly you are saving your money and secondly you are saving your money. You are also conscious about your health and you are taking good care of it too. Yes, I am not saying that you should avoid fast food completely. You should taste something different once in a month. Go out for dinner with friends or family once in a month and eat your favorite food, but it is not good to do this every day. It is not possible and hardly everyone can afford all this. What do you think about this?


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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