The Art of Goal Setting: Why Small Goals Lead to Big Achievements

When we start any work, we are very excited and take a lot of interest in it, but gradually with time, our interest in some things decreases and we forget about them. And sometimes when I remember it again, then start doing it again. Does this happen to you too? It happens to me often. I think of doing a lot of things and doing it for a few days but I don't know why then I forget about the thing and spend more time doing what I was already doing. In the beginning, we are very motivated but gradually our motivation goes down, hence it is true that do not start any work without being motivated. If you reduce any discipline, then you will be able to do it for a longer time and You are also a regular there.


There are many valid reasons due to which we start losing interest in some tasks later on and one of the main reasons is loss of interest. If you are learning something and you are enjoying it, then today you might want to learn quickly. And you would like to end it soon. If you enjoyed it in the beginning and gradually your interest does not remain the same, then you may have a lot of problems with it. I look up to those people who stick to their routines no matter what kind of day it is or what happens. It is very easy to make a goal but not everyone can achieve it. You know, many people make small goals instead of big goals because small goals are a little easier to achieve and if we achieve small goals then We feel very motivated and have a lot of fun.

The advantage of setting small goals instead of big goals is that they do not seem too big to you and gradually you keep achieving them and you do not even realize it. If your goals are big then they seem very far away to you and being demotivated is quite common because not everyone has the patience to wait for a long time. Many people also create sites to track their goals or keep updating them regularly so that they can know how far they are from their goal and how much they still have to go, etc. But in the end, the point comes, if you do not do anything in a disciplined manner then there are not many chances that you will deviate from your goal and you probably will not be able to reach there when the time comes.

So the best approach is that you break your course into small pieces and keep investing in a disciplined manner or whatever you are doing, do it in a disciplined manner, no matter what kind of day you are having, you just keep working towards it continuously. -Keep taking small steps and gradually you will start seeing big changes. Nowadays, there are many tools available with which you can automate everything and you can also set reminders for yourself. With many options, you just need to take the first step, and after that gradually you get accustomed to everything. Let's go. It is very difficult to just take the first step, but once the feeling arises, then you just keep walking and you will not even realize when you have reached the destination.



Believe me, I never thought that I would achieve so much here, but still, I have achieved a lot with time and it feels good to see that. I remain almost completely busy here and gradually I am developing new things, I am learning new things, understanding them and also implementing them. If I talk to you about a few years ago, I did not have much knowledge but gradually by learning little by little, I have learned a lot. And seeing this also feels quite good. If I had already set big goals and then got demotivated due to not being able to achieve them, then perhaps I would not have been able to reach here today.

So, I believe that first of all, if you want to do something, then go for it. Fix a fixed date and whatever goals you have set, break them into small pieces and when you achieve them, encourage yourself and next time work hard and try to achieve them sooner. It will happen that once, you will reach your goal in time and if you succeed in doing so, you will feel very good. It is not that I do everything on time or not. Yes, sometimes up and down. It happens, but believe me, no matter what happens, you just keep doing whatever you are doing, after some time you definitely start seeing its results, it is better to do something than do nothing. What do you think about this?


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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