Finding Balance: Carving Out Time for Ourselves in a Hectic World

We all are very busy in our lives and to be honest, it becomes very difficult to find time for ourselves. Most of us are stuck in one loop and everyone's daily life is going on the same. This has been happening to me for a long time and now I have become a habit of life, but I try my best to spend the 2 days in a week with my family and at home. I help with chores and keep myself busy so I can stay away from the computer screen and make myself feel good. If you can find time for yourself, then you are fortunate. I believe that because everyone can't do this, they go towards the rate without even realizing it.


When Friday comes, there is a different feeling of happiness and by the time Sunday comes, we start worrying about Monday. And then for the next 5 days, work, work and work, nothing else is left, just waiting for the weekend and this sequence continues. Many people enjoy 2 day holidays a lot and this is good because you must take out time for yourself and you must be aware of the things that make you happy, it can be anything like travelling. It can be anything you like spending time with your friends or watching movies/anime 😍 or anything that makes you happy or something that you feel extremely happy doing. And you should look for things that help you do that.

I like 2 days very much because at the weekend, I get the opportunity to reduce screen time and get a chance to help a little with the household chores and this makes me very happy. Some people, when they have a holiday, just like to rest but I don't know that, I keep doing something or the other and this not only passes my time but also helps my family members and I feel very good about it. You must take out time for yourself because now it is very important whether you like reading books, listening to songs or anything but if you learn to enjoy your own company then you do not need anyone or anything. Nothing can make you sad nor can anything make you more excited and it is very difficult to do this but it is not impossible. Learn to enjoy your own company and try to know more and more about yourself.

I believe in work and not in empty talk because nothing gets done by making empty talk, you need to do work. Some people just talk and are not able to do anything in the name of work. I don't like such people. There is a lot of hatred because there is work to do, they are not able to do anything, they just puck around. I am sure you also know some such people. If you want peace in your life then stay away from toxic people and just try to know yourself and enjoy your own company. There is no benefit in interfacing with the lives of others, in such a situation you will also face problems.

I have no interest in peeking into the lives of others because there are so many things in their lives that if you keep thinking about others, your entire life will be spent like this, so take out time for yourself and if you have free time. If you have time, then learn something new, like doing something that you enjoy or are interested in and keep improving yourself in it and make it your profession. Doing this will give you a lot of benefits, on the one hand, you will be able to do your work better. It will be fun and if whatever you are interested in becomes your profession, then you will enjoy it even more while working. What do you think about this?


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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