Escaping the Social Media Trap: Reconnecting with Real Life

We don't even realize how time is slipping away from us. Most of us waste a lot of our time on online platforms and we don't even realize it. We realize this when we talk for hours somewhere. Then we are left with nothing except you falling asleep. I can say with certainty that when you are sitting in your free time, sometimes you may be wasting your time.

Nowadays, it seems impossible to imagine life without the internet or smartphone. Nowadays we see that every family has as many smartphones as there are members. It was not like this earlier, only one phone was enough in a house and that too used to be a landline. I think many of those who were born after 2000 might not have heard or seen this word. Nowadays spending time online has become a common thing, we see that mostly everyone wastes or consumes their time in the online world.


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It is the way online social media platforms are designed that we become addicted to them. No matter what social media platform it is, they are designed in such a way that we get into the habit of using them. Everyone wants maximum likes and comments on their photos but this is not possible. This is where people start comparing themselves with others. One thing we should keep in mind is that everyone is unique and everyone has their own lifestyle. It is not necessary that what others have, you also have it and in the same way, what you have, others also have it.

I think you must have also experienced all this. Whenever you post a post, you must be waiting for likes. If you do not get what you had written in your post as per your expectation, then you will be feeling bad inside. And here it is natural but the only way out of this is that you just keep doing what you are doing without worrying about the results.

During the Mahabharata, Shri Krishna had told Arjun to do his work and not worry about the results

Yes, it sounds very easy to say but when it has to be actually followed then not everyone is able to do it. Everything seems difficult in the beginning but gradually we get used to it. I would say that you should stop using social media platforms because even if you do not post any posts, once you start any social media, you will not even know how some of your hours will be wasted there. Let's go. This used to happen to me very often, but I have found some way for this, due to which my work time gets wasted.



The first thing is that you do not download any application, it makes your work very easy. If you use a social media platform and are addicted to it, it will be very difficult to leave it suddenly. But there is a solution for that, you uninstall the applications and open all your social media accounts in your browser. I think one good thing would be that if you do not see those icons in your phone, then you will not pay attention to them, it is possible that you may gradually forget about the platform and that is what happens. I used to run and install the Instagram application but now I don't do that. I have it open in my browser and sometimes I open it after weeks and sometimes months, so now I'm not that used to it.

So no, yes, I can say with certainty that it does make a difference, if you chat with your friends then better I would suggest you to talk to them, it does make a difference. Chatting online or talking on a call is one thing and talking in person is a very different thing. If you use a social media platform and see other people's posts, it is obvious that sometimes you feel sad too. And this is also justified, even if you see everyone happy in their posts, but it is not necessary. No one wants to spoil their worthless moments, everyone wants to show their most beautiful moments to the world. Even if he is not actually happy at first.



Social media platforms have been created so that you become addicted to them. Every problem has a solution. If you want to reduce your online time, then I would suggest that you focus on your hobbies or try to learn something new, this will keep you busy and you will not have free time. If you don't have free time, you won't get time to run all this. And after some time you will forget to use it, not completely but still to a great extent. There are many benefits of spending less time online. You can also do a lot less, read new books or study about subjects you are interested in. Nowadays, not everything is available on a few scrolls at your fingertips. So nowadays it has become very easy to get information, so if you are also troubled by social media platforms then you can follow this thing, I can say with certainty that it will definitely make a difference.
What do you think about this?

see you in the next post, till then Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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