Decoding the Mind: A Journey through Investment Confusion on Hive

Sometimes we don't know what to do, and we all get very confused, this happened to me, does the same happen to you too? I don't know what keeps going on in my mind, sometimes it seems bitter and sometimes it doesn't cost me anything. Sometimes I don't know anything about this matter. And when it comes to investment, this seems like a very common thing to happen to Confucius. Bear with me, I get confused again and again. Sometimes I feel like it will be okay, sometimes I feel like maybe it will be okay


The more you are in the "hive" the more it happens. There is so much to invest or the more options there are the more confusion there is. It is very important to have clarity in the mind. what do you understand? We are seeing that new projects are being started here (on Hive), or people are investing everywhere and it is becoming quite difficult to find out who is doing that. Has this happened to you?

Here you can invest again and again, but investing everywhere is not a good thing. We want to diversify our profile but there is no good thing in diversifying too much. No matter what limit he seems to have reached. What do you think, the greater the assets, the easier it will be to manage them? Who has his thoughts or who wants to invest his money? I am sure almost the majority of us are smart enough and are capable of doing that. Seeing this, it feels good when people do research in their own words or collect information about things. This benefits them in that they learn more about animals, or we learn more about them.

Many people manage their money themselves or some people hire someone to manage it or give them a percentage of the profit. If you don't have much money or you don't have time then it is quite safe to do so. This way your time is saved or you don't even need to put in much effort. But if you manage your money yourself then it becomes quite difficult sometimes. I have been changing my strategies from time to time or seeing where I am making more profits. There may be some benefit from doing that or there may be some harm.

Whether you want to do that, you keep learning new things or you always want to learn something. That empty mind is the devil's house or all this is true. It is very important to stay busy. The more you keep someone busy, the more you stay happy, that is my respect. We all have often wondered what to do with our power. Some people's mindset is clear, they have just focused on increasing their power or so. The fewer goals, the fewer distractions. we don't have to worry about that many things if you have only one.

Let me steal some options for you as you go, I hope this proves helpful to you. What are your plans with your Hive or Hive power?

  • Power up and curate
  • Delegate
  • Reinvest
  • Buy Tokens
  • Swap
  • Wait for Hive pump
  • HBD savings


see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

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A few posts from my past that might be helpful for you.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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