The desire for freedom


Photo by Aziz Acharki from unsplash

If you ask me now to tell you what it is that I want the most at the moment, I'll tell you I want to have complete and total freedom to be able to do what I want when I want.


Why? If you go around asking every single person what they wanted, different people will tell you different things, but those different things can all be summed up into one big thing and that is freedom.

"I want to have this, or I want to do that." You need to have freedom to have or do those things.


Having freedom is a such a sweet an enjoyable thing. Nothing and no one is pressuring you into making any decisions, you're simply doing whatever you want, whenever you want it, because you feel like it.


In this world we live in, we're always faced with pressure right from when we start to understand things for ourselves. Whether it be pressure to understand what our parents are saying to us, or it's pressure to go to school and get that degree, or it's pressure to get married while making sure you're marrying the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with. All different levels of pressure which just keeps building up as we grow older. Ultimately as we grow older we learn to circumvent these pressures, but some get consumed by these pressures, and that's when we see tragic cases like depression and even suicide.


But pressure isn't all bad. Like the saying goes, "Nothing ever comes easy." These pressures of life put us to the test and make us stonger. Just like going to the gym everyday. It's not easy on the first day, or the second day, or even the third day, maybe even on the fourth an fifth day. But you just keep going and exercising, and each day you may not notice it, but it starts to get easier to do.


I know that absolute freedom isn't possible, but I'll keep working hard to get as close to that as I possibly can. Wish me luck



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