Cryptocurrency is the real Power of Money

Hello Indiaunited Community! Welcome to my blog. Cryptocurrency is nowadays one of the most famous subject in Pakistan. Either they are students in the class or they are Politicians in the Parliament both are doing their best for its fast and effective legislation. From the couple of years when the whole world is getting benefit from it, we Pakistanis are still far away from its Proper and Effective education. Our Corrupt Politicians are highly involved in Crypto Discouraging factors and want to ban it. As our students are getting mature with passage of time, they are now investing their time and money in crypto education from the Virtual World.



Crypto is the Future

In number of countries, there are many departments where crypto is replacing money. It will not be a big wonder for me when there will be only one digital currency in the whole world. Many People including me are bored and tired from pile of taxes in bank transactions either from small purchase on a local shop or from a whole shopping in supermarkets whenever we use our virtual debit or credit card. It will be blessed day when Crypto will be fully legal here. I'm already happy with $Hive Coin, it is my one of the best crypto in the world. My all saving in the banks is in continuous threat from regular tax deductions while my all saving in the form of HBD and $Hive is free from any tax. Moreover whenever I transfer few cents from my wallet to another wallet, it didn't have transaction fee. Yes, if I buy groceries by $Hive on a $Hive Outlet then my transaction for paying bill through $Hive will be free of charge. Whenever I deposit my money in the bank, then bank does its business by my money, has full control on it and I can lost in case of bankruptcy while my money in the form of Crypto has my own control through specific keys. Moreover, I can utilise my money in the form of Crypto in trading as well. By experiencing these benefits, I can't keep my money in banks. Instead of banks, I believe on the Crypto and my money is save there. After watching crypto adaption in the world, it can be concluded easily that money belongs to crypto and crypto is the future of money.



Decentralization is Power

After getting number of scams from many centralised and third party platforms, our new generation now believes in Decentralization. Either it is centralised exchange platform or any Centralised wallet, our digital footprints are more save on decentralized platform. Yesterday, my friend was crying about Kucoin. Kucoin is centralised exchange platform. From couple of months, it's founders are facing some legal investigation hence all withdraws on this platform are stopped. His 1000$ are freezed there. Whenever he contacts to their helping forum, they sends email with a form. To fill this form, he needs some personal information like CNIC or Passport Numbers and all personal details.


Kucoin form to claim assets

If Kucoin breaches my friend's privacy then it will more harm to him. I advised him for not sharing any personal detail that can harm his reputation later. It is one example that I came to know yesterday, there are many scams reports daily on the news. Without any legal exchange platform by the governments, the digital footprints of our youth are in risk. It is better instead of wasting our time in centralisation, we have to move towards Decentralization where there is no third party involvement and our data and footprints are more safe without any privacy breach.



This post is my entry for mayinelo contest. If you want to participate in this Monthly Inleo Initiative then click here for more information and guidelines. Thanks!

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