This is my first smartphone

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My first smartphone was the Xiomi Note 4x, this is one of the best smartphones ever released by Xiaomi in 2017, as soon as the rumors of this smartphone came out I immediately saved my pocket money to buy this smartphone because this would be my first smartphone at that time.

When I managed to buy this Xiomi note 4x Smartphone, I really felt very happy and happy, in fact the happiness I felt at that time I cannot express in words.

I still really remember that moment, when I bought the Xiomi Note 4x Smartphone at night at a cell phone in our city, I was very happy to have this Xiomi Note 4x Smartphone, that night I couldn't even sleep because I was too happy.

What makes me very happy is because I bought this Xiomi Smartphone using my pocket money and hard work at that time so that I could buy this Smartphone. In fact, the level of savings when I saved to buy this Smartphone was that I never had snacks outside and only ate home-cooked food so that I had enough money to buy the Smartphone of my dreams at that time.

Just imagine, in 2017 having a Smartphone with 4 GB RAM and 64 GB internal memory was something to be proud of because at that time for a Smartphone with a price of $148 USD it was very difficult to get 4 GB RAM and 64 GB internal memory, this Smartphone camera was also very good which made I am very proud to have this Smartphone.

I also always showed off my smartphone to my friends at that time, because of all my friends only a few people used the smartphone, hehe.

What I feel is very natural for me because I was able to buy this Smartphone from the results of my hard work saving without asking my parents at all, because when I bought the Smartphone I was still very young.

However, now I have sold the Smartphone because technology is increasingly developing nowadays, the Smartphone can no longer be used optimally, especially now that I have to have a Smartphone with better specs to make all my work run smoothly because currently all the work I do really requires a good Smartphone.

That's the story of my happiness when I was able to buy my first Smartphone for my participation in IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #13: Theme - "What is your first Phone", for friends who want to participate in this contest too, just click on the link I shared HERE.

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