These are My Favorite YouTubers


Watching YouTube is the right decision to fill your free time, because there is a lot of entertainment and inspiration that we can get from our favorite YouTubers there, regarding my current favorite YouTuber, I like a YouTuber named Timothy Ronald with the name Chanel Youtube Timothy Ronald.

Timothy Ronald is an influencer who always discusses financial education with his genius mindset and has been able to earn $61,000,000 USD at the age of 23.

I really like watching every educational video he uploads on his YouTube channel because most of the wealth he earns comes from Crypto Currency, and Timothy is also a Bitcoin Holder because he has been saving Bitcoin since 2017.

Timothy Ronald is an inspiration for young Indonesians today, including me, he always tells all young people to continue working hard so that no one else is trapped in poverty.

Since I follow every video he uploads on his YouTube channel, it has made me even more enthusiastic about working hard and has also made me more consistent in working hard because I am increasingly convinced that young people like me can also be successful like Timothy Ronald.

Timothy Ronald himself has worked since he was in junior high school, and to this day he continues to work hard. What makes me really like him is because he is also a Crypto Currency enthusiast like me.

Even Timothy Ronald also said that 95% of his wealth is currently invested in Bitcoin and Altcoins. At a very young age, he has also become a major investor in the Hollywing Group in Indonesia, which is one of the largest nightclubs in the world.

His tough and firm figure when providing the education in his videos made me feel even more enthusiastic about working harder, because he, who is already very rich, still works up to 17 hours a day.

That is the reason that made me make Timothy Ronald my favorite YouTuber at the moment, in fact Timothy Ronald also always advised never to get trapped in debt and credit, because as long as he built his wealth he never went into debt, because if we want to be rich and successful we must be able to control our lifestyle so that we never go into debt.

In my opinion, all the mindsets that Timothy Ronald has in mind are very suitable with my current principles, that's why I really like watching his videos.

This is my entry for IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #10: Theme - "Your Favorite YouTuber", if friends want to take part in this contest too, just click the link I shared HERE.

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