My Best Childhood Memories


Childhood is a time full of various memories in my life, the various memories and experiences that I went through as a child can make my life better today.

The most precious childhood memory for me is when I had to live in an Islamic boarding school for 6 years to attend middle school and high school.

During those 6 years I did not live with my parents because I had to live in the Islamic boarding school, during that time all the memories of my childhood were perfectly etched.

When I lived at the Islamic boarding school, I went through many difficult times and also times that made me feel happy. The difficult times I went through at the Islamic boarding school were when I missed my parents which made me cry all day long.

However, feeling sad made me more motivated to study harder so that I could become a filial child and make my parents happy.

I also often cried at night when I was too reminded of my parents because I couldn't see my parents for almost months at that time.

There were also happy times when I was at the Islamic boarding school, those happy times were when I managed to win in several competitions that I took part in, when I was still at the Islamic boarding school I won 1st place in intelligence, 2nd place in Indonesian speech and also 3rd place in speech. Arabic which makes me feel very happy because I succeeded in making my parents happy.

Because living in an Islamic boarding school for 6 years is what made my life the good person it is today, I am very grateful because now I have succeeded in becoming a person who is disciplined, never gives up and is always willing to work hard.

I can apply this to myself because during my 6 years at Islamic boarding school I was always trained to be a disciplined person, never give up and willing to work hard to create a bright future for myself.

In my reflection, what made the memories of being at an Islamic boarding school for 6 years stick with me was because I never thought I would be able to stay at an Islamic boarding school for 6 years to study.

And what makes me unable to forget the memories at the Islamic boarding school is because of the closeness and togetherness I had with my friends and teachers at the Islamic boarding school which made me able to survive there that long, because living at the Islamic boarding school was more sad than happy.

However, I am very proud to have lived in an Islamic boarding school because thanks to the Islamic boarding school, I have now become a good person and am able to plan my future very well too.

This is my entry for this week's India United Weekly Contest #5, see you in the next post. For friends who want to take part in this contest too, just click on contest link here.

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