Youtube Is My All Time Favourite Website

Hello to all hive users๐Ÿค—โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™
Hope you all are healthy and doing great in your life ๐Ÿ™‚

There was a time when people used to use television to pass their time or read newspapers and magazines but since the development in network technology and today almost every household has a computer and smartphone device, people have stopped watching television and reading books. Nowadays, I see that despite having a television at home, most people watch online streaming. We all have a favorite website which we like to visit often and whenever we are free, we surf on this website. I have seen that nowadays even small children have learned to search online websites and they too can search on Google very easily.

If I talk about my favorite website or application, it is YouTube. I like YouTube ever since the facility of 4G network came in our country because before this there used to be 3G network and the network was not able to buffer the video properly. Nowadays YouTube has developed a lot and now I see that many people prefer to watch YouTube instead of television. There are many reasons due to which I like YouTube very much, the first reason is that we can watch any content of our choice very easily. If we talk about television, then we have to watch whatever is being broadcast on the television channel and at the same time many advertisements are also shown on television, due to which a lot of time is wasted there, but with the help of YouTube Premium you can also skip advertisements.

Image by muhammadsaqii786 from Pixabay

Nowadays I see that even small children have learnt to use YouTube and people there search on YouTube just by speaking. Just a few days ago I went to a family function and there I saw a small child of about 3 years asking for a mobile phone from his grandmother and when his grandmother gave him the mobile phone, he immediately opened YouTube and started searching on YouTube with the help of voice command and he said JCB cartoon. As soon as he said this, many cartoon videos appeared there and then he searched for a random cartoon video and started watching it there. That child does not even go to school now but still he knows how to use all these things and along with this he also learned to skip ads there.

As the popularity of YouTube has increased a lot these days, many popular content creators prefer to share their content on YouTube. You will find many types of content on YouTube in which you can watch the content of your choice. Many people are also very fond of watching reels, so for such people, YouTube has also added the feature of YouTube Shots on YouTube, with the help of which people can watch short videos and keep scrolling them.

I also like YouTube because I do not get enough time to watch the news at the time when the news channel is on or any live news is going on and sometimes it happens that I get time only at night, in such a situation I can open YouTube and my friends can watch it as per their convenience even in less time because it is very easy here and it is a convenient way also.

Thanks for reading till the end ๐Ÿ™
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