Security Of My Country

In today's time, if we look at security, we want everything to be safe. The area where we live should be safe, after that the city where we live should be safe, after that the security of the state is also important and lastly the security of our country is most important. It is important because only when the country is safe, its people will feel safe and this security is very important. If a country is attacked by a particular terrorist group and if the country's border security is weak, then they enter the country and not only harm the people of the country, but also create so much terror that it cannot be measured. Hatim, because the worst thing is that the terrorists keep spreading terror in the entire area without caring about their lives.

If we look at our past and if we look at the present, then it happens every day that we get news of terrorists somewhere or the other. If we look at such things in the past, then we must have read in our history that how many people have attacked a country and in the same way many groups have captured a country while attacking and then after capturing it, they established their rule in that country. This kind of thing has been going on since ancient times and such things are going on even today. There are many anti-social elements who are always on the lookout for disrupting the security of the country and they are kept only for this work that people take revenge from their enemy country and by creating terror there, they disturb the peace of the country.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

In return for this terrorist attack, the country which is being attacked has to respond to it and because of all these things, not only the public suffers losses but there are also some things which suffer heavy losses like buildings or public property and many other things which suffer heavy losses. I have seen that so much money is wasted in this and then the same money is recovered from the public in the form of inflation because this is the only way the government has to compensate for its losses. Terrorism is such a bad thing that many big countries have been trying to eradicate it for many years but till now no one has been able to eradicate it and the worst thing here is that it keeps on flourishing.

If I talk about my country India, then the security here is of a very good level and the border areas are where our enemy countries always wait to take us there and spread terrorism by crossing the border and entering our areas. These news keep coming every day that how terrorists were killed because they were trying to enter our country. I feel very happy to know this thing because it shows to what extent our country is safe and this is also necessary because the people of the country are dependent on the military. Many times it happens that these terrorists try to enter our country and then in the encounter many times the brave soldiers of our country get martyred, so in such a situation it feels very bad because those people were killed because of our own security and here things are not right at all. There are some enemy countries that support these terrorists and also fund them, due to which they are able to save so much terrorism because if they do not get it, then how will they buy it and how will they do the rest of the things. In such a case, the most important role is played by these traitors who provide shelter to such terrorists in their vehicles and also bear the expenses of their funding.

For the security of the country, soldiers have to fight on the border every day and when the entire military team fights together, then we can live safely in our homes. Salute to all those brave soldiers who leave their families and their worldly life to fight for us on the border and have even sacrificed their lives many times for the security of the country.

Thanks for reading till the end 🙏
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