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THE MOMENT HAS COME! Detailed data for the CCPower calculation by CryptoCompany CEO is ... | + MORE NEWS



I want to make sure to share it sufficiently: CCD has to be staked to generate CCPower! Transition phase ends in 18 days. According to the CCCEO Richlist a big amount of CCD won't generate CCPower. Stake yours to secure your benefits!

• Staked CCD will count towards the generation of CCPower.
• We are currently in a transition phase in which I am counting staked and liquid CCD for the CCPower calculation.
• From March 1, 2024, only staked CCDs will be counted for CCPower.

And now as always: the last time...

63 issues of "Detailed data for the CCPower calculation by CryptoCompany CEO" have passed. I can hardly believe it's already been 63 weeks. What luck that there are more milestones ahead of us to give this CCPower even more application possibilities. But everything step by step.

This article consists of 3 sections:

Section 1: About CCPower postings on FLEXNet & the new CCPower Live-Display
Section 2: The future of FLEXNet
Section 3: The last rememberings

Section 1:

No more "Detailed data for the CCPower calculation by CryptoCompany CEO" postings. But CCPower as a live display!

I have finally found enough time and skills to be able to calculate the CCPower live at any time - a function that was often requested and has now finally been implemented. On our website, I have now not only expanded the wallet display accordingly, but also created a dedicated subpage on the website where you can find all your data, information, tips and tricks.

I have currently implemented a first version of your CCPower live display. There are still 3 things missing that need to be integrated into the calculation. Votes on our postings, reblogs of our postings and your +CCSUB. All data is available for me. I "just have to read and implement it". Despite this, I have decided to replace the old table now, as the new live display is in all probability more accurate than the old table.

And then I have to integrate it into the menu and do a few things that you find it later, do a few adoptions or improvements which came up, check for bugs, the normal stuff.

It's not just the missing values that will be reworked over the next few days. In general, I have a few ideas that I would like to see realised. As you can see from Delegation Dynasty 2, I'm a fan of gamifying Hive.

Quick interjection: Delegation Dynasty 2 is currently unable to call the necessary Hive API to read the delegations. In such a case, the daily payouts cannot be made. Days on which payouts cannot be made will be rescheduled as soon as the API is available again during the next snapshot. The current daily value is then assumed for all days. This results in a small bonus in each case. If you increase your delegation during this time, it will be assumed that you did so on the first day on which the API was unavailable.

Of course, we all welcome this functional enhancement. However, not exactly nice for CryptoCompany CEO: after we no longer need "Delegation reports" due to Delegation Dynasty 2 and the Wednesday article on @FLEXNet has been cancelled, it now affects the articles for the CCPower calculation. This means that FLEXNet currently has no content to report. In order to compensate for the loss of the Potings rewards for CCCEO, but also to present the data to you on the blockchain, I have already given some thought and made some preparations. But more on this as soon as things are ready for presentation.

Section 2:

FLEXNet: What it was, what it is & what it will be

FLEXNet was intended to be able to store information on the blockchain that doesn't necessarily require the labour of an article on the main channel. The info tables of the past are an example of the intended use.

FLEXNet was and has always been the name of the computer system in the main game.

Do you know that I am creating my own Hive backend to manage all the tasks on the Hive blockchain and in combination with CCCEO?

I already have several people who are slightly aware of the functionality of my backend and would like to use it (or ask for additional functions). However, nobody currently has access to it, as using the backend requires and produces database entries. Consequently, I would have to create an instance for each user. The backend works with data to such an extent that I don't want to do without my own database entries.

I plan to make this backend available to other Hivians as well, but I don't know the scope yet. As the backend is already very capable, its capabilities could easily be abused. This backend not only takes care of monitoring, but also more and more of content composition.

And when, after a few days as a "voting service operator", I see how other people create content in order to upvote it with bots and then deduct the values from the blockchain, then it is pretty clear to me that this tool called FLEXNet will not be 100 per cent freely accessible.

Be that as it may...

Let's see if I link the access to a CCDollar stake and Terms Of Service. Or whether I offer the backend as a subscription. Or maybe this will be the last time you read about it publicly and I'll only give access to a few selected people... The functions of the backend are modular - or do I offer the backend in modules? With free basic functions to make Hive life easier for many Hivians, but restrict the most blatant functions or put them behind a paywall? Let's see.

In any case... (and as a possible reassurance)

The development of FLEXNet is not my main focus at the moment, but is inevitably happening as I need a backend to manage all the tasks. Why am I writing this? So that those Hivians who are waiting for things like the NFTs or the main game don't think "Is Paul now spending his time on another construction site?" On the contrary, FLEXNet is the tool that allows me to monitor and manage CCCEO and all the activity on the blockchain. FLEXNet doesn't consume time, it creates it for me. Without FLEXNet and the tools it contains, CCCEO would not even exist.

Section 3:

I'll write another reminder article once or twice on Sunday/Monday, for all the lost ones who will be looking for their beloved CCPower article here. And then let's see if by that time we might already have ... I won't give any hints away!

Any questions, feedback, love or constructive criticism? You are welcome!

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day!

See you later in the comments!

Make the most out of it!