Bro Bang Event 6 is over, 7 has started (That sounds so wrong...) | + SEASON RANKING | Become a champion!


Event 6 is over - like every week and here are the rankings for the event and the actual season. Plus a little info or a "funny" joke from your lovely @PowerPaul. A lot to do, let's move fast!


But before...

Do you know our new and second DeFi game?

Bro Bang EVENT 6 | Ranking closed at 21-01-2024 23:59:59

RankingRewardsUserPointsPoints for seasonSeason points completeTimeTimestamp
15 SWAP.HIVE@thedoc072287133800:13:032024-01-21 23:55:56
24 SWAP.HIVE@lorddiablo1668123700:11:002024-01-21 21:45:38
33 SWAP.HIVE@bitandi1518113200:08:542024-01-17 15:17:31
42 SWAP.HIVE@blackibutterfly1324102900:16:342024-01-15 01:23:00
51 SWAP.HIVE@whoswho31492500:03:452024-01-20 22:45:26
60.5 SWAP.HIVE@dewabrata15181200:02:402024-01-17 03:19:57
70.4 SWAP.HIVE@pregosauce12372200:02:322024-01-16 17:42:26
80.3 SWAP.HIVE@solymi11662200:02:122024-01-21 18:44:07
90.2 SWAP.HIVE@ynma.andree965500:03:172024-01-19 07:07:55
100.1 SWAP.HIVE@bicoinflood724500:01:452024-01-17 15:42:42
110.1 SWAP.HIVE@arpuch393300:01:362024-01-21 20:32:49
120.1 SWAP.HIVE@captaincryptic302200:01:382024-01-19 12:18:05
130.1 SWAP.HIVE@karizma171100:00:312024-01-16 16:32:58
140.1 SWAP.HIVE@memess120000:00:182024-01-17 21:25:59
The winnings have already been transferred from @ccceo.rewards in the form of SWAP.HIVE.
Normally you need 20 points to receive a payout, which I also communicated last week. However, there were (and still are - I'll change that) one or two places on the website that suggest other information. So that nobody is sad, there are prizes for everyone! Typical CryptoCompany CEO... If I have corrected the displays, then let's do as we thought: payout only from 20 points upwards (which you can really manage.)

Next/actual event: 2023-01-22 00:00:00 - 2023-01-28 23:59:59

ONGOING SEASON | Ranking open since 2024-01-01 00:00:00

RankUsernamePoints won in last eventSeason points complete
1@thedoc07+ 1338
2@lorddiablo+ 1237
3@bitandi+ 1132
4@blackibutterfly+ 1029
6@whoswho+ 925
5@solymi+ 622
7@pregosauce+ 722
9@dewabrata+ 812
12@ynwy.andree+ 55
13@bitcoinflood+ 45
14@arpuch+ 33
16@captaincryptic+ 22
17@karizma+ 11

Actual season ends 2024-05-31 23:59:59


Bugs? This game has never had any! It was born in the morning dew under the sunshine, surrounded by fluttering butterflies and chirping birds. Under a lime tree. Similar to Delegation Dynasty 2 - but Delegation Dynasty 2 still had the trampling of elephants. All elephants. Worldwide. All.

But if you do find any bugs, I'll be happy to hear from you!

What's next?

You should now score some points for the event and the season, then write an article about it and then use our new service.

And after that?

Everything. A good place to start might be:

Generate more success stories on Bro Bang or in your Delegation Dynasty:

Write a posting about and boost it here:

Not enough CCD to boost? Play Delegation Dynasty 2 and/or join the Diesel Pool:

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day!

See you later in the comments & the rankings!

Make the best of the your day!


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